class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Chunk-wise regularised PCA-based imputation of missing data ### Alfonso Iodice D’Enza, Angelos Markos and Francesco Palumbo ### 16 September 2022 --- class: animated fadeIn ### Principal component analysis on data chunks ** why data chunks? ** -- .pull-left[ **convenience**: large data to handle as a whole **necessity**: data not fully available when the analysis starts (data flow) ] -- .pull-right[ <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: animated fadeIn ### Principal component analysis on data chunks ** why data chunks? ** .pull-left[ **convenience**: large data to handle as a whole **necessity**: data not fully available when the analysis starts (data flow) ] .pull-right[ <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: animated fadeIn ### Principal component analysis on data chunks ** why data chunks? ** .pull-left[ **convenience**: large data to handle as a whole **necessity**: data not fully available when the analysis starts (data flow) **what if there are missings?** ] .pull-right[ <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: animated fadeIn ### Principal component analysis on data chunks ** why data chunks? ** .pull-left[ **convenience**: large data to handle as a whole **necessity**: data not fully available when the analysis starts (data flow) **what if there are missings?** ] .pull-right[ <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: animated fadeIn ### Principal component analysis on data chunks ** why data chunks? ** .pull-left[ **convenience**: large data to handle as a whole **necessity**: data not fully available when the analysis starts (data flow) **what if there are missings?** ] .pull-right[ <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: animated fadeIn ### Principal component analysis on data chunks ** why data chunks? ** .pull-left[ **convenience**: large data to handle as a whole **necessity**: data not fully available when the analysis starts (data flow) **what if there are missings?** ] .pull-right[ <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: animated fadeIn middle .my-pull-left[ ### Aim ] .my-pull-right[ > - provide a procedure for incremental PCA-based single imputation of missing data > > - evaluate it on some missing data mechanisms, both completely and not completely at random ] --- class: animated fadeIn middle .my-pull-left[ **Outline** ] .my-pull-right[ >### PCA on incomplete (missing) data > > > >### PCA on data-chunks (incremental update) > > > >### PCA on incomplete data-chunks > > > >### Experiments ] --- class: animated fadeIn middle center inverse ## PCA on incomplete (missing) data --- class: animated fadeIn ### data structures - ** `\({\bf X}\)` ** is `\(n\times Q\)` data matrix, `\(n\)` observations of `\(Q\)` unit variance-scaled attributes - ** `\({\bf W}_{n\times Q}\)` ** is the `\(0/1\)` shadow matrix: it indicates whether the elements of `\(\bf{X}\)` are missing or observed - ** `\({\bf x}_{i}=\left[{\bf x}^{o}_{i};{\bf x}^{m}_{i}\right]\)` **, the `\(i^{th}\)` row of `\(\bf{X}\)` that contains an observed and an unobserved (missing) part -- ### missing data mechanisms - missing completely at random mechanism (** MCAR **): `\(P({\bf w}_{ij}=0\mid {\bf x}^{m}_{i},{\bf x}^{o}_{i}) = P({\bf w}_{ij}=0)\)` - missing at random mechanism (** MAR **): `\(P({\bf w}_{ij}=0\mid {\bf x}^{m}_{i},{\bf x}^{o}_{i}) = P({\bf w}_{ij}=0\mid{\bf x}^{o}_{i})\)` - missing not at random mechanism (** MNAR **): `\(P({\bf w}_{ij}=0\mid {\bf x}^{m}_{i},{\bf x}^{o}_{i}) \neq P({\bf w}_{ij}=0\mid{\bf x}^{o}_{i})\)` --- class: animated fadeIn ### Principal component analysis, PCA (Jolliffe, 2002) The objective function of PCA is to minimise $$ \min_{ {\bf \hat{F} },{\bf \hat{G} } } \mid\mid{\bf X} - {\bf M} - {\bf \hat{F}}{\bf \hat{G}}^{\sf T}\mid\mid^{2} $$ where `\({\bf M}=n^{-1} {\bf 1}{\bf 1}^{\sf T}{\bf X}\)` is the centring operator - the object scores `\({\bf \hat{F}}= n^{1/2}{\bf \hat{U}}{ \hat{\Sigma}}\)` and the loadings `\({\bf \hat{G}}=Q^{1/2}{\bf{\hat V}}\)` are obtained by means of the rank- `\(d\)` weighted singular value decomposition of $$ {\bf S}=n^{-1/2}\left({\bf X}- {\bf M}\right) Q^{-1/2} = {\bf{\hat U}} { {\hat \Sigma}}{\bf {\hat V}}^{\sf T} $$ -- the product ** `\({\bf \hat{F}}{\bf \hat{G}}^{\sf T}\)` ** is the `\(d\)` -rank approximantion of the centerd matrix ** `\({\bf X}-{\bf M}\)` ** $$ {\bf \hat{F}}{\bf \hat{G}}^{\sf T} = n^{1/2}{\bf \hat{U}}{ \hat{\Sigma}}{\bf{\hat V}}^{\sf T}Q^{1/2} = n^{1/2}{\bf \hat S}Q^{1/2} = {\bf \hat X}- {\bf M} \rightarrow {\bf \hat X} = {\bf M} + {\bf \hat{F}}{\bf \hat{G}}^{\sf T} $$ --- class: animated fadeIn ### Missing values and the PCA Different approaches aim to handle missing values in PCA - Dray and Josse (2015) review methods for : *i)* imputation prior to PCA, *ii)* PCA skipping missing entries, *iii)* PCA taking into account the missing entries -- - Loisel and Takane (2018) compare the performances of methods for PCA of incomplete data on different missing data mechanisms -- - Geraci and Farcomeni (2018) and Sportisse, Boyer, and Josse (2018): probabilistic PCA-based procedures to impute missing not at random (MNAR) values --- class: animated fadeIn ### RPCA: iterative regularized PCA In both Dray and Josse (2015) and Loisel and Takane (2018) iPCA (a.k.a iterative PCA, Kiers, 1997) and its regularized version (RPCA) proved to outperform other PCA-based approaches. -- ** RPCA: the criterion ** $$ \min_{ {\bf \hat{F} },{\bf \hat{G} } } \mid\mid {\bf W}\ast \left({\bf X}- {\bf M} - {\bf \hat{F}}{\bf \hat{G}}^{\sf T}\right)\mid\mid^{2} $$ Since no explicit solution exists that minimises the RPCA criterion, an iterative procedure is needed --- class: animated fadeIn ### RPCA: the procedure - **step 1** : set the counter `\(c=0\)`, and set the dimensionality `\(d^{\star}\)`. Replace each missing entry `\(ij\)` in `\(\bf X\)` with some initialization values to obtain `\({\bf X}^{ c}\)`, and compute `\({\bf \hat{M}}^{c}\)` -- - **step 2** : obtain `\({\bf \hat{X}}^{ c}\)` via the PCA on `\({\bf X}^{ c}\)` using `\({\bf \hat{F}}^{ c}\)` and `\({\bf \hat{G}}^{ c}\)` for the reconstruction formula `$$\hat{x}^{c}_{ij}= \hat{m}_{j}+\sum_{d =1}^{d^{\star}}{f_{id}^{ c} g^{ c}_{jd}} = \sqrt{\hat{\lambda}^{c}_{d}}\hat{v}^{c}_{id}\hat{u}^{c}_{jd} \ \ \ \forall i,j$$` modified to be shrunk, replacing `\(\sqrt{\hat{\lambda}^{c}_{d}}\)` by `\(\left( \sqrt{\hat{\lambda}^{c}_{d}} - \frac{(\hat{\sigma}^2)^{c}}{\sqrt{\hat{\lambda}^{c}_{d}}} \right)\)`, where `\((\hat{\sigma}^2)^{c} = \frac{1}{p-d^{*}}\sum_{d=d^{*}+1}^{p}\hat{\lambda}_{d}\)` -- - **step 3** : `\({\bf X}^{ c}={\bf W}\ast{\bf X}+(1-{\bf W})\ast{\bf \hat{X}}^{ c}\)` Repeat steps 2 and 3 until convergence --- class: animated fadeIn middle center inverse ## PCA on data-chunks (incremental update) --- class: animated fadeIn ### Incremental PCA Incremental decomposition methods can be roughly classified into - **perturbation methods** (Hegde, Principe, Erdogmus, Ozertem, Rao, and Peddaneni, 2006) - **stochastic optimization** and related methods (Sanger, 1989; Oja, 1992; Weng, Zhang, and Hwang, 2003; Mitliagkas, Caramanis, and Jain, 2013) - **randomized algorithms** (Warmuth and Kuzmin, 2008) - **secular equations** (Gu and Eisenstat, 1994) - **heuristic techniques** for incremental EVD/SVD (Levey and Lindenbaum, 2000; Hall, Marshall, and Martin, 2002; Ross, Lim, Lin, and Yang, 2008; Baker, Gallivan, and Van Dooren, 2012) -- .content-box-green[ .center[ heuristic techniques proved to be accurate and share desirable characteristic that ease their embedding in PCA (Cardot and Degras, 2018; Markos and Iodice D'Enza, 2018) ] ] --- class: animated fadeIn ### incremental decomposition To keep it simple, consider two chunks `$${\bf X}=\begin{bmatrix}{\bf X}_{1}\\ {\bf X}_{2}\end{bmatrix}$$` and ** `\({\bf\Omega}_{ {\bf X}_1}=\{ {\bf U}_{ {\bf X}_1},{\Sigma}_{ {\bf X}_1},{\bf V}_{ {\bf X}_1},\mu_{ {\bf X}_1},n_{ {\bf X}_1}\}\)` **, the eigenspace of `\({\bf X}_{1}\)` -- .content-box-red[ want: ** `\({\bf\Omega}_{ {\bf X}}\)` ** without decomposing `\(\bf X\)` from scratch ] --- class: animated fadeIn ### incremental decomposition .content-box-red[ want: ** `\({\bf\Omega}_{ {\bf X}}\)` ** without decomposing `\(\bf X\)` from scratch ] - option 1: compute ** `\({\bf\Omega}_{ {\bf X}_2}\)` ** and merge the eigenspaces ** `\({\bf\Omega}_{ {\bf X}} = {\bf\Omega}_{ {\bf X}_1}\oplus {\bf\Omega}_{ {\bf X}_2}\)` ** (eigenspace arithmetics, Hall, Marshall, and Martin, 2002) -- - option 2: update ** `\({\bf\Omega}_{ {\bf X}_1}\)` ** using the information in `\({\bf X}_{2}\)` and obtain ** `\({\bf\Omega}_{ {\bf X}}\)` ** (incremental SVD, Ross, Lim, Lin, et al., 2008) --- class: animated fadeIn middle center <h1 style="color : red" >warning!</h1> ## a couple of clunky slides ahead --- class: animated fadeIn ### eigenspace arithmetics ** `\({\bf\Omega}_{3}\)` ** `\(= {\bf\Omega}_{1}\oplus {\bf\Omega}_{2}\)`, that is, compute ** `\({\bf U}_{3}\)` ** , ** `\({\bf \Sigma}_{3}\)` ** , ** `\({\bf V}_{3}\)` ** and ** `\(\mu_{3}\)` ** -- The wanted singular vectors and value are obtained doing the SVD of `$$\begin{split} &\begin{bmatrix} {\bf \Sigma}_{1} {\bf U}_{1}^{\sf T} & {\bf V}_{1}^{\sf T}{\bf V}_{2} {\bf \Sigma}_{2}{\bf U}_{2}^{\sf T}\\ 0 & {\bf v}^{\sf T}{\bf V}_{2}{\bf \Sigma}_{2}{\bf U}_{2}^{\sf T} \end{bmatrix} +\begin{bmatrix} {\bf V}_{1}^{\sf T} \left( \mu_{1}-\mu_{3}\right) {\bf 1}_{n_{1}} & {\bf V}_{1}^{\sf T} \left( \mu_{2}-\mu_{3}\right) {\bf 1}_{n_{2}} \\ {\bf v}^{\sf T} \left( \mu_{1}-\mu_{3}\right) {\bf 1}_{n_{1}} & {\bf v}^{\sf T} \left( \mu_{2}-\mu_{3}\right) {\bf 1}_{n_{2}} \end{bmatrix}={\bf R}{\bf \Sigma}{\bf U}^{\sf T}, \end{split}$$` where `\({\bf v}=orth\left( \psi \left[{\bf H},{\bf h} \right]\right)\)` , `\({\bf H}={\bf V}_{2} - {\bf V}_{1} {\bf V}_{1}^{\sf T}{\bf V}_{2}\)` and `\({\bf h}=\left(\mu_{1}-\mu_{2}\right)-{\bf V}_{1}{\bf V}_{1}^{\sf T} \left( \mu_{1}-\mu_{2}\right)\)` -- .content-box-green[ and the wanted quanties are .center[ ** `\({\bf U}_{3}={\bf U}\)` ** , ** `\({\bf \Sigma}_{3}={\bf \Sigma}\)` ** , ** `\({\bf V}_{3}=\left[{\bf V}_{1},\bf{v} \right]{\bf R}\)` ** and ** `\(\mu_{3} = \frac{1}{ { n}_{1}+{n}_{2}}\left(\mu_{1}{n}_{1} + \mu_{2}{n}_{2} \right)\)` ** ] ] --- class: animated fadeIn ### incremental SVD With ** `\({\bf\Omega}_{1}\)` ** available, the following holds `$$\begin{bmatrix} {\bf X}_1\\ {\bf X}_2 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}{\bf U}_{1} & {\bf 0} \\ {\bf 0} & {\bf I} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}{\bf \Sigma}_{1} & {\bf 0} \\ {\bf L} & {\bf \Gamma}{\bf Q}^{\sf T} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}{\bf V}_{1} \\ {\bf Q} \end{bmatrix}$$` `\({\bf L} = {\bf X}_2{\bf V}_{1}^{\sf T}\)`, `\({\bf Q}\)` results from the QR decomposition of `\(\bf{\Gamma}={\bf X}_2 - {\bf L}{\bf V}_{1}\)` and `\({\bf I}\)` is the identity matrix, the mean `\(\mu_{3}\)` is computed as before and added as an extra row to `\({\bf X}_{2}\)` -- The updated eigenspace ** `\({\bf\Omega}_{3}\)` ** quantities depend on the SVD of `$$\begin{bmatrix}{\bf \Sigma}_{1} & {\bf 0} \\ {\bf L} & {\bf \Gamma}{\bf Q^{\sf T}} \end{bmatrix}={\bf U}_{m}{\bf \Sigma}_{m}{\bf V}^{\sf T}_{m}$$` -- .content-box-green[ and the wanted quanties are .center[ ** `\({\bf U}_{3} = \begin{bmatrix}{\bf U}_{1} & {\bf 0} \\ {\bf 0} & {\bf I}\end{bmatrix} {\bf U}_{m}\)` ** , ** `\({\bf \Sigma}_{3}={\bf \Sigma}_{m}\)` ** , ** `\({\bf V}_{3} = {\bf V}_m\begin{bmatrix}{\bf V}_{1} \\ {\bf Q}\end{bmatrix}\)` ** and ** `\(\mu_{3} = \frac{1}{ { n}_{1}+{n}_{2}}\left(\mu_{1}{n}_{1} + \mu_{2}{n}_{2} \right)\)` ** ] ] --- class: animated fadeIn middle center inverse ## PCA on incomplete data-chunks --- class: animated fadeIn ### Naive CW-RPCA Multiple chunks with missings, a straightforward solution is two-step - apply RPCA on each chunk separately and impute the missing entries - merge the RPCA solution in to the general one using **eigenspace arithmetics** -- .content-box-green[ Pros: - easy to parallelize: chunks are imputed independent from each other - the RPCA (which is iterative) never runs over the full set of observations ] -- .content-box-red[ Cons: - the missings are imputed according to local structures (chunk-based) - this may lead to inaccuracies, depending on the scenario ] --- class: animated fadeIn ### CW-RPCA Multiple chunks coming in sequence, with missings CW-RPCA is an embedding of the **incremental SVD** and of a modified version of RPCA Standard RPCA is applied to the first chunk, `\({\bf X}_{1}\)`. The CW-RPCA procedure, for the general chunk `\({\bf X}_{i}\)` and `\(i > 1\)`, can be summarised as follows: - **step 1** apply a modified version of the RPCA algorithm, based on incremental SVD on `\({\bf X}_{i}\)` to obtain `\({\bf \tilde{X}}_{i}\)` - **step 2** update the current eigenspace `\({\bf \Omega}\)` according to the obtained `\({\bf \tilde{X}}_{i}\)` recall that `\({\bf \tilde{X}}_{i}\)` is the imputed version of the `\(i^{th}\)` chunk. --- class: animated fadeIn ### CW-RPCA CW-RPCA of a chunk `\({\bf {X}}_{i}\)` is equivalent to the application of RPCA on `\(\left[{\bf \tilde{X}}_{1};{\bf \tilde{X}}_{2}, \ldots, {\bf X}_{i}\right]\)` -- .content-box-green[ Pros: - the CW-RPCA iterates over the chunk `\({\bf X}_{i}\)` only and not over `\(\left[{\bf \tilde{X}}_{1};{\bf \tilde{X}}_{2}; \ldots; {\bf X}_{i}\right]\)` - the CW-RPCA-based imputation of `\({\bf X}_{i}\)` takes into account the correlation structure characterising chunks `\({\bf \tilde{X}}_{1}\)` to `\({\bf \tilde{X}}_{i-1}\)` ] -- .content-box-red[ Cons: - once imputed, the chunks are not processed again - the imputation of the first few chunks may not be based on the general correlation structure ] --- class: animated fadeIn middle center inverse ## Experiments --- class: animated fadeIn ### Performance evaluation **what** - CW-RPCA procedures vs ordinary RPCA - CW-RPCA vs *naive* CW-RPCA -- **how** - **imputation error** mean absolute discrepancy between true and imputed values - **RV coefficient** $$RV\left({\bf F},{\bf F}^{\star}\right) = \frac{tr\left( {\bf F}^{\sf T}{\bf F} \ {\bf F}^{\star\sf T}{\bf F^{\star}}\right)}{tr\left({\bf F}^{\sf T}{\bf F} \right)^{2} tr\left({\bf F}^{\star\sf T}{\bf F^{\star}} \right)^{2}} $$ where `\({\bf F}\)` and `\({\bf F}^{\star}\)` are the PCA scores on the dataset with and without missings --- class: animated fadeIn ### structures and mechanisms **data** - synthetic dataset with (correlation) structure - benchmark sensor data set (Tennessee Eastman Problem) **missing data mechanisms** - MCAR: random entries in each chunk are rendered missing - MNCAR: the entries of a **target** variable depend on one or more **agent** variables - logistic regression-based - correlation-based --- class: animated fadeIn ### data structure .pull-left[ - simulation setup (almost) as in (Dray and Josse, 2015) - number of row-chunks: 5 to 25 (Each of size `\(500\times 9\)`) - 10 replicates for each scenario ] .pull-right[ <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: animated fadeIn ### MCAR scenario <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png" width="45%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .center[*naive*-CW-RPCA and RPCA provide similar results (as expected)] --- class: animated fadeIn ### MNCAR logistic regression-based scenario 1 .pull-left[ - the response `\(Y\)` dictates whether the entries of `\(X\)` are rendered missing ** `$$P(Y=1\mid X_{i}) = \frac{exp(\hat{\beta}_{0}+\hat{\beta}_{1}X_{i})}{1+exp(\hat{\beta}_{0}+\hat{\beta}_{1}X_{i})}$$` ** - grid search of plausible values for `\(\hat{\beta}_{0}\)` and `\(\hat{\beta}_{1}\)`, pick up values that lead to `\(10\%\)` missing entries - **note**: the first two chunks are **MCAR** (preserve correlation) ] .pull-right[ <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: animated fadeIn ### MNCAR logistic regression-based scenario 2 .pull-left[ - the response `\(Y\)` dictates whether the entries of `\(X_{j}\)` are rendered missing ** `$$P(Y=1\mid {\bf X}_{-j}) = \frac{exp({\bf X}_{-j}\hat{ {\beta}})}{1+exp({\bf X}_{-j}\hat{ {\beta}})}$$` ** - `\({\bf X}_{-j}\)` is the predictors matrix; predictors come from the correlation block of `\({\bf X}_{j}\)` - grid search of plausible values for `\(\hat{\beta}\)`, pick up values that lead to `\(10\%\)` missing entries - **note**: the first two chunks are **MCAR** (preserve correlation) ] .pull-right[ <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-10-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: animated fadeIn ### MNCAR correlation-based .pull-left[ <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-11-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .center[MCAR chunk correlation] ] .pull-right[ <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-12-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .center[MNCAR chunk correlation] ] --- class: animated fadeIn ### MNCAR correlation-based scenario .pull-left[ .center[**scenario 1**] <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-13-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .center[MCAR chunks randomly positioned] ] .pull-right[ .center[**scenario 2**] <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-14-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .center[MCAR chunks processed first] ] --- class: animated fadeIn ### MNCAR correlation-based scenario results .pull-left[ .center[**scenario 1**] <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-15-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ .center[**scenario 2**] <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-16-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: animated fadeIn ### TEP The Tennessee Eastman Problem (TEP) data is a sensor data benchmark simulating an industrial chemical process (see, e.g., Severson, Molaro, and Braatz, 2017) -- > PCA on process data: a tool for multivariate process control > > > Missing values in process control data are common (e.g. due to sensor failures) --- class: animated fadeIn ### TEP with missings .pull-left[ .center[**complete data structure**] <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-17-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ .center[**rendered missing data structure**] <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-18-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: animated fadeIn ### TEP results: imputation error 500 observations per chunk. Up to 25 chunks analysed <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-19-1.png" width="40%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: animated fadeIn ### TEP results: RV index .pull-left[ .center[**RV on object scores**] <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-20-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ .center[**RV on attribute scores**] <img src="CW_RPCA_ecda_2022_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-21-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: animated fadeIn ### conclusion ** CW-RPCA ** proved to be suitable when - the data underlying correlation structure is steady - the MNCAR mechanism hides away the underlying stucture **process data** may present both the above characteristics -- ### future work - compare to other imputation methods such as **BLUP** (best linear unbiased prediction) - extension to the categorical data case (multiple correspondence analysis) - deal with the non unit variances case (.red[that's a difficult one]) --- class: animated fadeIn ### References Baker, C. 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