title: "Distances for categorical data"
subtitle: "the delta framework"
format: html
code-fold: false
code-tools: true
embed-resources: true
page-layout: full
toc: true
toc-title: contents
toc-location: left
toc-expand: 2
theme: minty
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr:: opts_chunk$ set (echo = TRUE , warning = FALSE ,message = FALSE )
#| code-fold: true
# library(devtools)
# install_github("alfonsoIodiceDE/catdist_package/catdist")
library (kableExtra)
library (catdist)
library (tidyverse)
library (tidymodels)
library (tidytext)
library (cluster)
library (aricode)
library (ggplot2)
This document provides the code to replicate the experiments from the paper
**A general framework for implementing distances for categorical variables**
by Michel van de Velden, Alfonso Iodice D'Enza, Angelos Markos and Carlo Cavicchia
# Data structures
The considered distances are described in Table 1 of the paper
tibble (distance= c ("SM" ,"IOF" ,"OF" ,"Goodall 3" ,"Goodall 4" ,"chi-2" ,"VE" ,"VM" ,"KL" ,"TVD" ,
"Supervised TVD" ,"Supervised TVD full" ),
description= c ("simple matching" ,"Iof" ,"of" ,"Goodall 3" ,"Goodall 4" ,
"chi-square distance" ,"variable entropy" ,
"variable mutability" ,"Kullback-Leibler" ,"total variation distance" ,
"one-vs-all variation of TVD" ,"all-vs-all variation of TVD" )) |> kbl () |> kable_styling (full_width= FALSE )
## Synthetic data set
We refer to a $n=1000$ by $Q=12$ categorical dataset.
A different dataset is considered for mild/strong structure, that is,
the discriminant power of the active variables
Of the $Q=12$ attribute considered, $8$ are noise.
The synthetic data sets are generated as described in the paper [ Cluster Correspondence Analysis ](https://rdcu.be/dpOeu) .
## Real data
# Supervised learning: KNN-based experiment
## Analysis and results on synthetic data sets
For each scenario and considered distance, a KNN classifier for a grid of values $K=\{ 1,3,7,13,21, 31, 43\} $ is trained
set.seed (123 )
replicates= 20
k_vec = c (1 ,3 ,7 ,13 ,21 ,31 ,43 )
selected_distances = c (
"tot_var_dist" , "gifi_chi2" , "supervised" , "supervised_full" , "matching" ,
"eskin" , "goodall_3" , "goodall_4" , "iof" , "of" , "lin" ,
"var_entropy" , "var_mutability" , "kullback-leibler"
data (simcatdat1)
data (simcatdat2)
cat_data_structure <- tibble (
structure = c ("mild" , "strong" ),
cat_data = list (simcatdat1, simcatdat2),
true_clusters = list (simcatdat1$ response, simcatdat2$ response)
) |>
dplyr:: mutate (
distance_method = list (selected_distances, selected_distances)
The hyper-parameter tuning process is done via 5-fold cross-validation, the process is repeated 20 times.
```{r, eval=FALSE}
cat_data_resamples = cat_data_structure |>
dplyr:: mutate (
cv_iterations = purrr:: map (1 : n (), ~ 1 : replicates)
) |> unnest (cv_iterations) |>
mutate (
cross_validation = purrr:: map (.x= cat_data,~ vfold_cv (.x, v= 5 , strata= response)),
fold_id = purrr:: map (.x= cross_validation,~ .x$ id),
fold_splits = purrr:: map (.x= cross_validation,~ .x$ splits),
k_par = purrr:: map (1 : n (),~ k_vec)
) |> unnest (cols = distance_method) |> unnest (cols = k_par) |>
unnest (cols = c (fold_id,fold_splits)) |>
dplyr:: select (- cross_validation)
The results are produced, and the metrics computed for each combination of folds.
cat_data_knn_results = cat_data_resamples |>
mutate (knn_results = purrr:: pmap (.l = list (fold_splits, k_par,distance_method),
.f = ~ cdistKNN (train_df = analysis (..1 ),
assess_df = assessment (..1 ),
k= ..2 , method= ..3 ),
predictions = purrr:: map (.x = knn_results,~ .x$ .pred),
truth = purrr:: map (.x = knn_results,~ .x$ truth),
same_levs = purrr:: map2_dbl (.x = predictions,.y= truth,
~ (length (levels (.x))== length (levels (.y)))),
predictions = purrr:: map2 (.x = predictions,.y = truth,
~ factor (.x, levels = levels (.y))),
knn_accuracy= purrr:: map2_dbl (.x = predictions,.y = truth,
~ accuracy_vec (truth = .y,estimate = .x)),
measure = purrr:: map2_dbl (.x = predictions,.y = truth,
.f= function (x= .x,y= .y) clustComp (c1 = x, c2 = y)$ ARI
Then, for each scenario and distance measure, the metrics are averaged over the CV folds first, and then the descriptive statistics of the metrics are computed over the considered replicates.
```{r,eval=FALSE, warning = FALSE}
cat_knn_PM_scenarios_accuracies = cat_data_knn_results |>
group_by (structure ,distance_method,k_par,cv_iterations) |>
summarise (cv_accuracy= mean (knn_accuracy),
cv_ARI= mean (measure),.groups= "rowwise" ) |> ungroup ()|>
group_by (structure,distance_method,k_par) |>
summarise (sd_cv_accuracy= sd (cv_accuracy),
min_accuracy= min (cv_accuracy),
Q1_accuracy = quantile (cv_accuracy,probs= .25 ),
Q2_accuracy = quantile (cv_accuracy,probs= .5 ),
Q3_accuracy = quantile (cv_accuracy,probs= .75 ),
max_accuracy= max (cv_accuracy),
cv_accuracy= mean (cv_accuracy),
sd_cv_ARI= sd (cv_ARI),
min_ARI= min (cv_ARI),
Q1_ARI = quantile (cv_ARI,probs= .25 ),
Q2_ARI = quantile (cv_ARI,probs= .5 ),
Q3_ARI = quantile (cv_ARI,probs= .75 ),
max_ARI= max (cv_ARI),
cv_ARI= mean (cv_ARI),
.groups= "rowwise" ) |>
ungroup () |> group_by (structure,distance_method)
Finally, the tuned classifier accuracy is computed
```{r echo=FALSE,eval=FALSE}
save (file= "PM_synthetic_cat_four_scenario_knn_experiment_pattern_recognition.RData" ,cat_knn_PM_scenarios_accuracies)
Select the best K for each distance method and data set
load (file= "PM_synthetic_cat_four_scenario_knn_experiment_pattern_recognition.RData" )
cat_knn_PM_scenarios_accuracies_tuned = cat_knn_PM_scenarios_accuracies |>
slice_max (cv_accuracy,with_ties = FALSE )|>
mutate (
distance_method = str_to_title (distance_method)
And the results are displayed in the plot
```{r, fig.align='left',out.width="120%",warning=FALSE,message=FALSE}
labelize <- Vectorize (function (x){library ("stringr" )
word (x, start = 1 , sep = " \\ :" )
cat_knn_PM_scenarios_accuracies_tuned |> ungroup () |>
mutate (scenario= paste0 (structure,"_" ),
distance_method = distance_method |> fct_recode ("SM" = "Matching" ,
"IOF" = "Iof" ,
"OF" = "Of" ,
"Goodall 3" = "Goodall_3" ,
"Goodall 4" = "Goodall_4" ,
"Chi2" = "Gifi_chi2" ,
"VE" = "Var_entropy" ,
"VM" = "Var_mutability" ,
"KL" = "Kullback-Leibler" ,
"TVD" = "Tot_var_dist" ,
"Supervised TVD" = "Supervised" ,
"Supervised TVD full" = "Supervised_full"
) |> as.character (),
ordered_dist = reorder_within (x = distance_method,by = Q2_accuracy,
within = structure, sep = ":" )
) |>
rename (` distance measure ` = ` distance_method ` ) |>
ggplot (aes (x = Q2_accuracy, y = ordered_dist))+ theme_minimal () +
geom_point (aes (colour = ` distance measure ` , size = k_par))+
geom_linerange (aes (xmin = Q1_accuracy,xmax = Q3_accuracy, y = ordered_dist),
inherit_aes= FALSE )+
facet_wrap (.~ structure, scales = "free_y" )+
theme (axis.text.y = element_text (size= 6 ),
axis.text.x = element_text (angle= 90 , size= 5 ),
legend.position = "bottom" ,
strip.text.x.top = element_text (size= 8 )
) +
scale_y_discrete (label= labelize)+
xlab ("accuracy" ) + ylab ("" )+
scale_size (range= c (.5 ,2.5 ),
guide= guide_legend (title= "neighbors" ,title.position= "top" ,
ncol= 2 ))+
scale_color_discrete (breaks= c ("SM" ,"Eskin" ,"Lin" ,"IOF" ,"OF" ,"Goodall 3" ,"Goodall 4" ,"VE" ,"VM" ,"TVD" ,"Chi2" ,"KL" ,"Supervised TVD" ,"Supervised TVD full" ),
guide= guide_legend (title.position= "top" ))
```{r, fig.align='center',warning=FALSE,message=FALSE, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE}
labelize <- Vectorize (function (x){library ("stringr" )
word (x, start = 1 , sep = " \\ :" )
knn_PM_synth_knn_pattern_recognition = cat_knn_PM_scenarios_accuracies_tuned |> ungroup () |>
mutate (scenario= paste0 (structure,"_" ),
distance_method = distance_method |> fct_recode ("SM" = "Matching" ,
"IOF" = "Iof" ,
"OF" = "Of" ,
"Goodall 3" = "Goodall_3" ,
"Goodall 4" = "Goodall_4" ,
"Chi2" = "Gifi_chi2" ,
"VE" = "Var_entropy" ,
"VM" = "Var_mutability" ,
"KL" = "Kullback-Leibler" ,
"TVD" = "Tot_var_dist" ,
"Supervised TVD" = "Supervised" ,
"Supervised TVD full" = "Supervised_full"
) |> as.character (),
ordered_dist = reorder_within (x = distance_method,by = Q2_accuracy,
within = structure, sep = ":" )
) |>
rename (` distance measure ` = ` distance_method ` ) |>
ggplot (aes (x = Q2_accuracy, y = ordered_dist))+ theme_minimal () +
geom_point (aes (colour = ` distance measure ` , size = k_par))+
geom_linerange (aes (xmin = Q1_accuracy,xmax = Q3_accuracy, y = ordered_dist),
inherit_aes= FALSE )+
facet_wrap (.~ structure, scales = "free_y" )+
theme (axis.text.y = element_text (size= 14 ),
axis.text.x = element_text (angle= 90 , size= 8 ),
legend.position = "bottom" ,
strip.text.x.top = element_text (size= 12 )
) +
scale_y_discrete (label= labelize)+
xlab ("accuracy" ) + ylab ("" )+
scale_size (range= c (.5 ,2.5 ),
guide= guide_legend (title= "neighbors" ,title.position= "top" ,
ncol= 2 ))+
scale_color_discrete (breaks= c ("SM" ,"Eskin" ,"Lin" ,"IOF" ,"OF" ,"Goodall 3" ,"Goodall 4" ,"VE" ,"VM" ,"TVD" ,"Chi2" ,"KL" ,"Supervised TVD" ,"Supervised TVD full" ),
guide= guide_legend (title.position= "top" ))
ggsave (file= "knn_PM_synth_knn_pattern_recognition.pdf" ,
knn_PM_synth_knn_pattern_recognition,height= 6 ,width= 8 )
```{r, fig.align='left',out.width="120%",warning=FALSE,message=FALSE}
labelize <- Vectorize (function (x){library ("stringr" )
word (x, start = 1 , sep = " \\ :" )
cat_knn_PM_scenarios_accuracies_tuned |> ungroup () |>
mutate (scenario= paste0 (structure,"_" ),
distance_method = distance_method |> fct_recode ("SM" = "Matching" ,
"IOF" = "Iof" ,
"OF" = "Of" ,
"Goodall 3" = "Goodall_3" ,
"Goodall 4" = "Goodall_4" ,
"Chi2" = "Gifi_chi2" ,
"VE" = "Var_entropy" ,
"VM" = "Var_mutability" ,
"KL" = "Kullback-Leibler" ,
"TVD" = "Tot_var_dist" ,
"Supervised TVD" = "Supervised" ,
"Supervised TVD full" = "Supervised_full"
) |> as.character (),
ordered_dist = reorder_within (x = distance_method,by = Q2_ARI,
within = structure, sep = ":" )
) |>
rename (` distance measure ` = ` distance_method ` ) |>
ggplot (aes (x = Q2_ARI, y = ordered_dist))+ theme_minimal () +
geom_point (aes (colour = ` distance measure ` , size = k_par))+
geom_linerange (aes (xmin = Q1_ARI,xmax = Q3_ARI, y = ordered_dist),
inherit_aes= FALSE )+
facet_wrap (.~ structure, scales = "free_y" )+
theme (axis.text.y = element_text (size= 6 ),
axis.text.x = element_text (angle= 90 , size= 5 ),
legend.position = "bottom" ,
strip.text.x.top = element_text (size= 8 )
) +
scale_y_discrete (label= labelize)+
xlab ("test ARI" ) + ylab ("" )+
scale_size (range= c (.5 ,2.5 ),
guide= guide_legend (title= "neighbors" ,title.position= "top" ,
ncol= 2 ))+
scale_color_discrete (breaks= c ("SM" ,"Eskin" ,"Lin" ,"IOF" ,"OF" ,"Goodall 3" ,"Goodall 4" ,"VE" ,"VM" ,"TVD" ,"Chi2" ,"KL" ,"Supervised TVD" ,"Supervised TVD full" ),
guide= guide_legend (title.position= "top" ))
```{r, fig.align='center',warning=FALSE,message=FALSE, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE}
labelize <- Vectorize (function (x){library ("stringr" )
word (x, start = 1 , sep = " \\ :" )
knn_PM_synth_knn_pattern_recognition_ARI = cat_knn_PM_scenarios_accuracies_tuned |> ungroup () |>
mutate (scenario= paste0 (structure,"_" ),
distance_method = distance_method |> fct_recode ("SM" = "Matching" ,
"IOF" = "Iof" ,
"OF" = "Of" ,
"Goodall 3" = "Goodall_3" ,
"Goodall 4" = "Goodall_4" ,
"Chi2" = "Gifi_chi2" ,
"VE" = "Var_entropy" ,
"VM" = "Var_mutability" ,
"KL" = "Kullback-Leibler" ,
"TVD" = "Tot_var_dist" ,
"Supervised TVD" = "Supervised" ,
"Supervised TVD full" = "Supervised_full"
) |> as.character (),
ordered_dist = reorder_within (x = distance_method,by = Q2_ARI,
within = structure, sep = ":" )
) |>
rename (` distance measure ` = ` distance_method ` ) |>
ggplot (aes (x = Q2_ARI, y = ordered_dist))+ theme_minimal () +
geom_point (aes (colour = ` distance measure ` , size = k_par))+
geom_linerange (aes (xmin = Q1_ARI,xmax = Q3_ARI, y = ordered_dist),
inherit_aes= FALSE )+
facet_wrap (.~ structure, scales = "free_y" )+
theme (axis.text.y = element_text (size= 14 ),
axis.text.x = element_text (angle= 90 , size= 5 ),
legend.position = "bottom" ,
strip.text.x.top = element_text (size= 2 )
) +
scale_y_discrete (label= labelize)+
xlab ("test ARI" ) + ylab ("" )+
scale_size (range= c (.5 ,2.5 ),
guide= guide_legend (title= "neighbors" ,title.position= "top" ,
ncol= 2 ))+
scale_color_discrete (breaks= c ("SM" ,"Eskin" ,"Lin" ,"IOF" ,"OF" ,"Goodall 3" ,"Goodall 4" ,"VE" ,"VM" ,"TVD" ,"Chi2" ,"KL" ,"Supervised TVD" ,"Supervised TVD full" ),
guide= guide_legend (title.position= "top" ))
ggsave (file= "knn_PM_synth_knn_pattern_recognition_ARI.pdf" ,
knn_PM_synth_knn_pattern_recognition_ARI,height= 6 ,width= 8 )
## Analysis and results on real data sets
```{r, eval=FALSE}
set.seed (123 )
data (australian)
data (wbcd)
data (vote)
data (tictactoe)
data (balance)
data (tae)
data (lymphography)
data (soybean)
data (cars)
replicates = 20
dataset_names = c ("vote" ,"australian" ,"wbcd" , "tictactoe" ,"balance" ,"tae" , "lymphography" ,"soybean" ,"cars" )
benchmark_data = tibble (
dataset_name = dataset_names,
prepped_data = list (vote, australian[,- c (2 ,3 ,7 ,10 ,13 ,14 )], wbcd, tictactoe, balance, tae, lymphography, soybean, cars),
distance_method = rep (list (selected_distances), length (dataset_names))
```{r, eval=FALSE,echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE}
save (file = "pattern_recognition_benchmark_data.RData" ,benchmark_data)
```{r, eval=TRUE,echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE}
load (file = "pattern_recognition_benchmark_data.RData" )
For each dataset and distance considered, we do a KNN, tuning the parameter on the grid `r c(1,3,7,13,21)` via **5-fold cross-validation**. We repeat the process 20 times.
```{r, eval=FALSE}
benchmark_data_resamples = benchmark_data |>
dplyr:: mutate (
cv_iterations = purrr:: map (1 : n (), ~ 1 : replicates)
) |> unnest (cv_iterations) |>
mutate (
cross_validation = purrr:: map (.x= prepped_data,~ vfold_cv (.x, v= 5 , strata= response)),
fold_id = purrr:: map (.x= cross_validation,~ .x$ id),
fold_splits = purrr:: map (.x= cross_validation,~ .x$ splits),
k_par = purrr:: map (1 : n (), ~ c (1 ,3 ,7 ,13 ,21 ))
) |> unnest (cols = distance_method) |> unnest (cols = k_par) |> unnest (cols = c (fold_id,fold_splits)) |>
dplyr:: select (- cross_validation)
Apply the KNN on all fold/distance/dataset combinations
```{r, eval=FALSE}
benchmark_results_training = benchmark_data_resamples |>
mutate (knn_results = purrr:: pmap (.l = list (fold_splits, k_par,distance_method),
.f = ~ cdistKNN (train_df = analysis (..1 ),
assess_df = assessment (..1 ),
k= ..2 , method= ..3 )
Collection of the cross-validation estimate of accuracy
```{r, eval=FALSE}
accuracy_results_knn_single_rep_accuracy_ungrouped = benchmark_results_training |>
mutate (
classes = purrr:: map_dbl (.x= prepped_data,~ length (levels (.x$ response))),
predictions = purrr:: map (.x= knn_results,~ .x$ .pred),
truth = purrr:: map (.x= knn_results,~ .x$ truth),
same_levs = purrr:: map2_dbl (.x = predictions,.y= truth,~ (length (levels (.x))== length (levels (.y)))),
predictions = purrr:: map2 (.x= predictions,.y= truth,~ factor (.x,levels= levels (.y))),
knn_accuracy= purrr:: map2_dbl (.x= predictions,.y= truth,~ accuracy_vec (truth= .y,estimate= .x)),
measure = purrr:: map2_dbl (.x = predictions,.y = truth,
.f= function (x= .x,y= .y){
na_pos= which (is.na (x))
if (length (na_pos)> 0 ){
x= x[- na_pos]
y= y[- na_pos]
clustComp (c1 = x, c2 = y)$ ARI
accuracy_results_knn_single_rep_accuracy= accuracy_results_knn_single_rep_accuracy_ungrouped|>
group_by (dataset_name,distance_method,k_par,cv_iterations) |>
summarise (cv_accuracy= mean (knn_accuracy),
cv_ARI= mean (measure)
) |> ungroup ()
accuracy_results_knn = accuracy_results_knn_single_rep_accuracy |>
group_by (dataset_name,distance_method,k_par) |>
summarise (sd_cv_accuracy= sd (cv_accuracy),
min_accuracy= min (cv_accuracy),
Q1_accuracy = quantile (cv_accuracy,probs= .25 ),
Q2_accuracy = quantile (cv_accuracy,probs= .5 ),
Q3_accuracy = quantile (cv_accuracy,probs= .75 ),
max_accuracy= max (cv_accuracy),
cv_accuracy= mean (cv_accuracy),
sd_cv_ARI= sd (cv_ARI),
min_ARI= min (cv_ARI),
Q1_ARI = quantile (cv_ARI,probs= .25 ),
Q2_ARI = quantile (cv_ARI,probs= .5 ),
Q3_ARI = quantile (cv_ARI,probs= .75 ),
max_ARI= max (cv_ARI),
cv_ARI= mean (cv_ARI)
) |> ungroup ()
```{r, eval=FALSE,echo=FALSE}
save (file = "KNN_real_data_pattern_recognition_not_tuned_yet.RData" ,accuracy_results_knn)
```{r, echo=FALSE}
load (file = "KNN_real_data_pattern_recognition_not_tuned_yet.RData" )
Select the best K for each distance method and data set
```{r, eval=TRUE}
accuracy_results_tuned = accuracy_results_knn |>
group_by (dataset_name,distance_method) |>
slice_max (cv_accuracy,with_ties = FALSE )|>
mutate (
distance_method = str_to_title (distance_method),
datasets= as.factor (dataset_name)
Further editing for the figures
```{r, eval=TRUE}
long_levels = benchmark_data |>
mutate (
cv_iterations = rerun (1 : replicates, .n = n ())
) |> unnest (cv_iterations) |>
mutate (
class = c (rep (2 ,replicates),rep (2 ,replicates),rep (2 ,replicates),rep (2 ,replicates),rep (3 ,replicates),
rep (3 ,replicates),rep (4 ,replicates),rep (19 ,replicates),rep (4 ,replicates)),
data_n = purrr:: map_dbl (prepped_data,nrow),
data_p = purrr:: map_dbl (prepped_data,ncol)- 1 ,
long_name = purrr:: pmap_chr (.l= list (dataset_name,data_n,data_p,class),.f= ~ paste0 (..1 ," (n: " ,..2 ,
", p: " ,..3 ,", cl: " ,..4 ,")" ))
)|> pull (long_name) |> as.factor () |> levels ()
long_levels[5 ]= "soybean (n: 307, p: 35, cl: 19)"
nds_tuned= accuracy_results_tuned |> pull (dataset_name) |> as.factor ()
levels (nds_tuned) = long_levels
accuracy_results_tuned$ nds = nds_tuned
accuracy_results_tuned= accuracy_results_tuned |>
mutate (datasets = nds)
```{r, eval=FALSE,echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE}
save (file = "KNN_real_data_pattern_recognition.RData" ,accuracy_results_tuned)
load (file = "KNN_real_data_pattern_recognition.RData" )
```{r,eval=TRUE, fig.align='center',warning=FALSE,message=FALSE}
accuracy_results_tuned |> ungroup () |>
mutate (distance_method = distance_method |> fct_recode ("SM" = "Matching" ,
"IOF" = "Iof" ,
"OF" = "Of" ,
"Goodall 3" = "Goodall_3" ,
"Goodall 4" = "Goodall_4" ,
"Chi2" = "Gifi_chi2" ,
"VE" = "Var_entropy" ,
"VM" = "Var_mutability" ,
"KL" = "Kullback-Leibler" ,
"TVD" = "Tot_var_dist" ,
"Supervised TVD" = "Supervised" ,
"Supervised TVD full" = "Supervised_full"
) |> as.character (),
ordered_dist = reorder_within (x = distance_method,by = Q2_accuracy,
within = datasets, sep = ":" )
) |>
rename (` distance measure ` = ` distance_method ` ) |>
ggplot (aes (x = Q2_accuracy, y = ordered_dist))+ theme_minimal () +
geom_point (aes (colour = ` distance measure ` , size = k_par))+
geom_linerange (aes (xmin = Q1_accuracy,xmax = Q3_accuracy, y = ordered_dist), inherit_aes= FALSE )+
facet_wrap (~ datasets, scales = "free_y" , nrow= 3 , ncol= 3 )+
theme (axis.text.y = element_text (size= 5 ),
axis.text.x = element_text (angle= 90 , size= 6 ),
legend.position = "bottom" ,
strip.text.x.top = element_text (size= 8 )
) +
scale_y_discrete (label= labelize)+
xlab ("accuracy" ) + ylab ("" )+
scale_size (range= c (.5 ,2.5 ),
guide= guide_legend (title= "neighbors" ,title.position= "top" ,
ncol= 2 ))+
scale_color_discrete (breaks= c ("SM" ,"Eskin" ,"Lin" ,"IOF" ,"OF" ,"Goodall 3" ,"Goodall 4" ,"VE" ,"VM" ,"TVD" ,"Chi2" ,"KL" ,"Supervised TVD" ,"Supervised TVD full" ),
guide= guide_legend (title.position= "top" ))
```{r eval=TRUE,echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE}
a_tuned = accuracy_results_tuned |> ungroup () |>
mutate (distance_method = distance_method |> fct_recode ("SM" = "Matching" ,
"IOF" = "Iof" ,
"OF" = "Of" ,
"Goodall 3" = "Goodall_3" ,
"Goodall 4" = "Goodall_4" ,
"Chi2" = "Gifi_chi2" ,
"VE" = "Var_entropy" ,
"VM" = "Var_mutability" ,
"KL" = "Kullback-Leibler" ,
"TVD" = "Tot_var_dist" ,
"Supervised TVD" = "Supervised" ,
"Supervised TVD full" = "Supervised_full"
) |> as.character (),
# ordered_dist = reorder_within(x =distance_method,by = cv_accuracy,
# within = datasets, sep = ":")
ordered_dist = reorder_within (x = distance_method,by = Q2_accuracy,
within = datasets, sep = ":" )
) |>
rename (` distance measure ` = ` distance_method ` ) |>
# ggplot(aes(x = cv_accuracy, y = ordered_dist))+theme_minimal() +
ggplot (aes (x = Q2_accuracy, y = ordered_dist))+ theme_minimal () +
geom_point (aes (colour = ` distance measure ` , size = k_par))+
# geom_linerange(aes(xmin = cv_accuracy-sd_cv_accuracy,xmax = cv_accuracy+sd_cv_accuracy, y = ordered_dist), inherit_aes=FALSE)+
geom_linerange (aes (xmin = Q1_accuracy,xmax = Q3_accuracy, y = ordered_dist), inherit_aes= FALSE )+
facet_wrap (~ datasets, scales = "free_y" , nrow= 3 , ncol= 3 )+
theme (axis.text.y = element_text (size= 12 ),
axis.text.x = element_text (angle= 90 , size= 6 ),
legend.position = "bottom" ,
strip.text.x.top = element_text (size= 8 )
) +
scale_y_discrete (label= labelize)+
# scale_size(range=c(.5,2.5))+#guides(size="none")+
# labs(title="KNN", subtitle = "5-fold CV") +
xlab ("accuracy" ) + ylab ("" )+
scale_size (range= c (.5 ,2.5 ),
guide= guide_legend (title= "neighbors" ,title.position= "top" ,
ncol= 2 ))+
scale_color_discrete (breaks= c ("SM" ,"Eskin" ,"Lin" ,"IOF" ,"OF" ,"Goodall 3" ,"Goodall 4" ,"VE" ,"VM" ,"TVD" ,"Chi2" ,"KL" ,"Supervised TVD" ,"Supervised TVD full" ),
guide= guide_legend (title.position= "top" ))
ggsave (file= "knn_experiment_tuned.pdf" , a_tuned, height= 10 , width= 11 )
```{r,eval=TRUE, fig.align='center',warning=FALSE,message=FALSE}
accuracy_results_tuned |> ungroup () |>
mutate (distance_method = distance_method |> fct_recode ("SM" = "Matching" ,
"IOF" = "Iof" ,
"OF" = "Of" ,
"Goodall 3" = "Goodall_3" ,
"Goodall 4" = "Goodall_4" ,
"Chi2" = "Gifi_chi2" ,
"VE" = "Var_entropy" ,
"VM" = "Var_mutability" ,
"KL" = "Kullback-Leibler" ,
"TVD" = "Tot_var_dist" ,
"Supervised TVD" = "Supervised" ,
"Supervised TVD full" = "Supervised_full"
) |> as.character (),
# ordered_dist = reorder_within(x =distance_method,by = cv_accuracy,
# within = datasets, sep = ":")
ordered_dist = reorder_within (x = distance_method,by = Q2_ARI,
within = datasets, sep = ":" )
) |>
rename (` distance measure ` = ` distance_method ` ) |>
# ggplot(aes(x = cv_accuracy, y = ordered_dist))+theme_minimal() +
ggplot (aes (x = Q2_ARI, y = ordered_dist))+ theme_minimal () +
geom_point (aes (colour = ` distance measure ` , size = k_par))+
# geom_linerange(aes(xmin = cv_accuracy-sd_cv_accuracy,xmax = cv_accuracy+sd_cv_accuracy, y = ordered_dist), inherit_aes=FALSE)+
geom_linerange (aes (xmin = Q1_ARI,xmax = Q3_ARI, y = ordered_dist), inherit_aes= FALSE )+
facet_wrap (~ datasets, scales = "free_y" , nrow= 3 , ncol= 3 )+
theme (axis.text.y = element_text (size= 5 ),
axis.text.x = element_text (angle= 90 , size= 6 ),
legend.position = "bottom" ,
strip.text.x.top = element_text (size= 8 )
) +
scale_y_discrete (label= labelize)+
# scale_size(range=c(.5,2.5))+#guides(size="none")+
# labs(title="KNN", subtitle = "5-fold CV") +
xlab ("test ARI" ) + ylab ("" )+
scale_size (range= c (.5 ,2.5 ),
guide= guide_legend (title= "neighbors" ,title.position= "top" ,
ncol= 2 ))+
scale_color_discrete (breaks= c ("SM" ,"Eskin" ,"Lin" ,"IOF" ,"OF" ,"Goodall 3" ,"Goodall 4" ,"VE" ,"VM" ,"TVD" ,"Chi2" ,"KL" ,"Supervised TVD" ,"Supervised TVD full" ),
guide= guide_legend (title.position= "top" ))
```{r eval=TRUE,echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE}
a_tuned_ARI = accuracy_results_tuned |> ungroup () |>
mutate (distance_method = distance_method |> fct_recode ("SM" = "Matching" ,
"IOF" = "Iof" ,
"OF" = "Of" ,
"Goodall 3" = "Goodall_3" ,
"Goodall 4" = "Goodall_4" ,
"Chi2" = "Gifi_chi2" ,
"VE" = "Var_entropy" ,
"VM" = "Var_mutability" ,
"KL" = "Kullback-Leibler" ,
"TVD" = "Tot_var_dist" ,
"Supervised TVD" = "Supervised" ,
"Supervised TVD full" = "Supervised_full"
) |> as.character (),
# ordered_dist = reorder_within(x =distance_method,by = cv_accuracy,
# within = datasets, sep = ":")
ordered_dist = reorder_within (x = distance_method,by = Q2_ARI,
within = datasets, sep = ":" )
) |>
rename (` distance measure ` = ` distance_method ` ) |>
# ggplot(aes(x = cv_accuracy, y = ordered_dist))+theme_minimal() +
ggplot (aes (x = Q2_ARI, y = ordered_dist))+ theme_minimal () +
geom_point (aes (colour = ` distance measure ` , size = k_par))+
# geom_linerange(aes(xmin = cv_accuracy-sd_cv_accuracy,xmax = cv_accuracy+sd_cv_accuracy, y = ordered_dist), inherit_aes=FALSE)+
geom_linerange (aes (xmin = Q1_ARI,xmax = Q3_ARI, y = ordered_dist), inherit_aes= FALSE )+
facet_wrap (~ datasets, scales = "free_y" , nrow= 3 , ncol= 3 )+
theme (axis.text.y = element_text (size= 12 ),
axis.text.x = element_text (angle= 90 , size= 6 ),
legend.position = "bottom" ,
strip.text.x.top = element_text (size= 8 )
) +
scale_y_discrete (label= labelize)+
scale_size (range= c (.5 ,2.5 ))+ #guides(size="none")+
# labs(title="KNN", subtitle = "5-fold CV") +
xlab ("test ARI" ) + ylab ("" )+
scale_size (range= c (.5 ,2.5 ),
guide= guide_legend (title= "neighbors" ,title.position= "top" ,
ncol= 2 ))+
scale_color_discrete (breaks= c ("SM" ,"Eskin" ,"Lin" ,"IOF" ,"OF" ,"Goodall 3" ,"Goodall 4" ,"VE" ,"VM" ,"TVD" ,"Chi2" ,"KL" ,"Supervised TVD" ,"Supervised TVD full" ),
guide= guide_legend (title.position= "top" ))
ggsave (file= "knn_experiment_tuned_ARI.pdf" , a_tuned_ARI, height= 10 , width= 11 )
# Unsupervised learning: PAM-based experiment
## Analysis and results on synthetic data sets
```{r, eval=FALSE}
pam_synth_results_list= list ()
set.seed (123 )
for (cv_iter in 1 : replicates){
cat_data_resamples_pam = cat_data_structure |>
mutate (
cross_validation = purrr:: map (.x= cat_data,~ vfold_cv (.x, v= 5 , strata= response)),
fold_id = purrr:: map (.x= cross_validation,~ .x$ id),
fold_splits = purrr:: map (.x= cross_validation,~ .x$ splits),
n_clusters = 4
)|> unnest (cols = distance_method) |> unnest (cols = c (fold_id,fold_splits)) |>
dplyr:: select (- cross_validation,- cat_data) |>
mutate (train_fold= purrr:: map (.x= fold_splits,.f= ~ analysis (.x)),
test_fold= purrr:: map (.x= fold_splits,.f= ~ assessment (.x))
) |>
dplyr:: select (- fold_splits) |>
mutate (
distance_res = purrr:: pmap (.l= list (..1 = train_fold,..2 = distance_method),
.f= ~ cdist (x = ..1 |> select (- response),
y = ..1 |> pull (response),
method = ..2 )),
distance_mat = purrr:: map (.x= distance_res,.f= function (x= .x){x$ distance_mat;
return (x$ distance_mat)}),
delta = purrr:: map (.x= distance_res,~ .x$ delta),
delta_names = purrr:: map (.x= distance_res,~ .x$ delta_names)
cat_data_results_pam = cat_data_resamples_pam |>
mutate (
pam_solution = purrr:: map2 (.x= distance_mat,.y= n_clusters,.f= ~ pam (x = .x,k = .y)),
pam_clust = purrr:: map (.x= pam_solution, .f= ~ return (.x$ clustering |> factor ())),
pam_medoid_ids = purrr:: map (.x= pam_solution, ~ return (.x$ id.med)),
true_clust_test = purrr:: map (.x = test_fold, ~ return (.x |> pull (response))),
test_data = purrr:: map (.x = test_fold, ~ return (.x |> select (- response))),
train_data = purrr:: map (.x = train_fold, ~ return (.x |> select (- response))),
medoids = purrr:: map2 (.x = train_data,.y= pam_medoid_ids, ~ return (.x[.y,])),
clust_test = purrr:: pmap (.l= list (..1 = medoids,..2 = test_data,..3= delta, ..4 = delta_names),
~ predict_pam (medoids = ..1 , newdata= ..2 , delta= ..3 , delta_names = ..4 )),
measure = purrr:: map2_dbl (.x = true_clust_test,.y = clust_test,
.f= function (x= .x,y= .y) clustComp (c1 = x, c2 = y)$ ARI
pam_synth_results_list[[cv_iter]] = cat_data_results_pam |> dplyr:: select (structure,distance_method,measure,fold_id) |>
group_by (structure,distance_method) |>
summarise (ARI= mean (measure)) |> ungroup () |> mutate (cv_iteration= cv_iter)
```{r echo=FALSE,eval=FALSE,warning=FALSE}
save (pam_synth_results_list,file= "pam_synth_results_list.RData" )
Preparing the data structures and the corresponding labels for the plots
load (file= "pam_synth_results_list.RData" )
```{r,fig.align='center',message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
pam_synth_results = bind_rows (pam_synth_results_list) |> group_by (structure,distance_method) |>
summarise (sd_ARI= sd (ARI),
min_ARI= min (ARI),
Q1_ARI = quantile (ARI,probs= .25 ),
Q2_ARI = quantile (ARI,probs= .5 ),
Q3_ARI = quantile (ARI,probs= .75 ),
max_ARI= max (ARI),
ARI= mean (ARI)
) |> ungroup () |>
mutate (distance_method = str_to_title (distance_method))
```{r fig.align='center'}
pam_synth_results |>
mutate (scenario= paste0 (structure),
distance_method = distance_method |> fct_recode ("SM" = "Matching" ,
"IOF" = "Iof" ,
"OF" = "Of" ,
"Goodall 3" = "Goodall_3" ,
"Goodall 4" = "Goodall_4" ,
"Chi2" = "Gifi_chi2" ,
"VE" = "Var_entropy" ,
"VM" = "Var_mutability" ,
"KL" = "Kullback-Leibler" ,
"TVD" = "Tot_var_dist" ,
"Supervised TVD" = "Supervised" ,
"Supervised TVD full" = "Supervised_full"
) |> as.character (),
# ordered_distances = reorder_within(distance_method,ARI,structure,sep = ":")) |>
ordered_distances = reorder_within (distance_method,Q2_ARI,structure,sep = ":" )) |>
rename (` distance measure ` = ` distance_method ` ) |>
# ggplot(aes(x = Q2_ARI, y = ordered_distances))+theme_minimal() +
ggplot (aes (x = Q2_ARI, y = ordered_distances))+ theme_minimal () +
geom_point (aes (colour= ` distance measure ` ),size= 2 ) +
# geom_linerange(aes(xmin = ARI-sd_ARI,xmax = ARI+sd_ARI, y = ordered_distances),inherit.aes=FALSE)+
geom_linerange (aes (xmin = Q1_ARI,xmax = Q3_ARI, y = ordered_distances),inherit.aes= FALSE )+
theme (axis.text.y = element_text (size= 6 ),
axis.text.x = element_text (angle= 90 ,size= 5 ),
legend.position = "bottom" ) +
xlim (- 0.05 ,1 )+
facet_wrap (.~ structure,scales = "free" ) +
scale_y_discrete (label= labelize)+
# labs(title="PAM clustering",subtitle = "k-medoids")+
xlab ("test ARI" )+ ylab ("" )+
scale_color_discrete (breaks= c ("SM" ,"Eskin" ,"Lin" ,"IOF" ,"OF" ,"Goodall 3" ,"Goodall 4" ,"VE" ,"VM" ,"TVD" ,"Chi2" ,"KL" ,"Supervised TVD" ,"Supervised TVD full" ))
```{r eval=TRUE,echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE}
PM_synth_pam_pattern_recognition = pam_synth_results |>
mutate (scenario= paste0 (structure),
distance_method = distance_method |> fct_recode ("SM" = "Matching" ,
"IOF" = "Iof" ,
"OF" = "Of" ,
"Goodall 3" = "Goodall_3" ,
"Goodall 4" = "Goodall_4" ,
"Chi2" = "Gifi_chi2" ,
"VE" = "Var_entropy" ,
"VM" = "Var_mutability" ,
"KL" = "Kullback-Leibler" ,
"TVD" = "Tot_var_dist" ,
"Supervised TVD" = "Supervised" ,
"Supervised TVD full" = "Supervised_full"
) |> as.character (),
# ordered_distances = reorder_within(distance_method,ARI,structure,sep = ":")) |>
ordered_distances = reorder_within (distance_method,Q2_ARI,structure,sep = ":" )) |>
rename (` distance measure ` = ` distance_method ` ) |>
# ggplot(aes(x = Q2_ARI, y = ordered_distances))+theme_minimal() +
ggplot (aes (x = Q2_ARI, y = ordered_distances))+ theme_minimal () +
geom_point (aes (colour= ` distance measure ` ),size= 2 ) +
# geom_linerange(aes(xmin = ARI-sd_ARI,xmax = ARI+sd_ARI, y = ordered_distances),inherit.aes=FALSE)+
geom_linerange (aes (xmin = Q1_ARI,xmax = Q3_ARI, y = ordered_distances),inherit.aes= FALSE )+
theme (axis.text.y = element_text (size= 14 ),
axis.text.x = element_text (angle= 90 ,size= 5 ),
strip.text.x.top = element_text (size= 12 ),
legend.position = "bottom" ) +
xlim (- 0.05 ,1 )+
facet_wrap (.~ structure,scales = "free" ) +
scale_y_discrete (label= labelize)+
# labs(title="PAM clustering",subtitle = "k-medoids")+
xlab ("test ARI" )+ ylab ("" )+
scale_color_discrete (breaks= c ("SM" ,"Eskin" ,"Lin" ,"IOF" ,"OF" ,"Goodall 3" ,"Goodall 4" ,"VE" ,"VM" ,"TVD" ,"Chi2" ,"KL" ,"Supervised TVD" ,"Supervised TVD full" ))
ggsave (file= "PM_synth_pam_pattern_recognition.pdf" ,
PM_synth_pam_pattern_recognition,height= 6 ,width= 8 )
## Analysis and results on real data sets
pam_results_list= list ()
set.seed (123 )
for (cv_iter in 1 : replicates){
benchmark_data_resamples_pam = benchmark_data |>
mutate (
cross_validation = purrr:: map (.x= prepped_data,~ vfold_cv (.x, v= 5 , strata= response)),
fold_id = purrr:: map (.x= cross_validation,~ .x$ id),
fold_splits = purrr:: map (.x= cross_validation,~ .x$ splits),
n_clusters = purrr:: map_dbl (.x= prepped_data,~ length (levels (.x$ response)))
)|> unnest (cols = distance_method) |> unnest (cols = c (fold_id,fold_splits)) |> #|> unnest(cols = k_par)
dplyr:: select (- cross_validation,- prepped_data) |>
mutate (train_fold= purrr:: map (.x= fold_splits,.f= ~ analysis (.x)),
test_fold= purrr:: map (.x= fold_splits,.f= ~ assessment (.x))
) |>
dplyr:: select (- fold_splits)|>
mutate (
distance_res = purrr:: pmap (.l= list (..1 = train_fold,..2 = distance_method),
.f= ~ cdist (x = ..1 |> dplyr:: select (- response),
y = ..1 |> pull (response),
method = ..2 )),
distance_mat = purrr:: map (.x= distance_res,.f= function (x= .x){x$ distance_mat;
return (x$ distance_mat)}),
delta = purrr:: map (.x= distance_res,~ .x$ delta),
delta_names = purrr:: map (.x= distance_res,~ .x$ delta_names)
benchmark_results_pam = benchmark_data_resamples_pam |>
mutate (
pam_solution = purrr:: map2 (.x= distance_mat,.y= n_clusters,.f= ~ pam (x = .x,k = .y))
benchmark_results_pam = benchmark_results_pam |>
mutate (
pam_clust = purrr:: map (.x= pam_solution, .f= ~ return (.x$ clustering |> factor ())),
pam_medoid_ids = purrr:: map (.x= pam_solution, ~ return (.x$ id.med)),
true_clust_test = purrr:: map (.x = test_fold, ~ return (.x |> pull (response))),
test_data = purrr:: map (.x = test_fold, ~ return (.x |> select (- response))),
train_data = purrr:: map (.x = train_fold, ~ return (.x |> select (- response))),
medoids = purrr:: map2 (.x = train_data,.y= pam_medoid_ids, ~ return (.x[.y,]))
benchmark_results_pam = benchmark_results_pam |>
mutate (
clust_test = purrr:: pmap (.l= list (..1 = medoids,..2 = test_data,..3= delta, ..4 = delta_names),
~ predict_pam (medoids = ..1 , newdata= ..2 , delta= ..3 , delta_names = ..4 )),
measure = purrr:: map2_dbl (.x = true_clust_test,.y = clust_test,
.f= function (x= .x,y= .y) clustComp (c1 = x, c2 = y)$ ARI
pam_results_list[[cv_iter]] = benchmark_results_pam |> dplyr:: select (dataset_name,distance_method,measure,fold_id) |> group_by (dataset_name,distance_method) |>
summarise (ARI= mean (measure)) |> ungroup () |> mutate (cv_iteration= cv_iter)
```{r, eval=FALSE,echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE}
save (file= "pam_results_list.RData" ,pam_results_list)
load ("pam_results_list.RData" )
load ("pattern_recognition_benchmark_data.RData" )
long_levels = benchmark_data |> mutate (
class = c (2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,3 ,3 ,4 ,19 ,4 ),
data_n = purrr:: map_dbl (prepped_data,nrow),
data_p = purrr:: map_dbl (prepped_data,ncol)- 1 ,
long_name = purrr:: pmap_chr (.l= list (dataset_name,data_n,data_p,class),.f= ~ paste0 (..1 ," (n: " ,..2 ,
", p: " ,..3 ,", cl: " ,..4 ,")" ))
)|> pull (long_name) |> as.factor () |> levels ()
long_levels[5 ]= "soybean (n: 307, p: 35, cl: 19)"
pam_results= bind_rows (pam_results_list) |> group_by (dataset_name,distance_method) |>
summarise (sd_ARI= sd (ARI),
min_ARI= min (ARI),
Q1_ARI = quantile (ARI,probs= .25 ),
Q2_ARI = quantile (ARI,probs= .5 ),
Q3_ARI = quantile (ARI,probs= .75 ),
max_ARI= max (ARI),
ARI= mean (ARI)) |>
mutate (distance_method = str_to_title (distance_method),
datasets= as.factor (dataset_name)
nds = pam_results |> pull (datasets) |> as.factor ()
levels (nds) = long_levels
pam_results$ nds = nds
pam_results = pam_results |>
mutate (datasets = nds)
```{r,eval=TRUE,echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE, fig.align='center'}
pam_results |>
mutate (distance_method = distance_method |> fct_recode ("SM" = "Matching" ,
"IOF" = "Iof" ,
"OF" = "Of" ,
"Goodall 3" = "Goodall_3" ,
"Goodall 4" = "Goodall_4" ,
"Chi2" = "Gifi_chi2" ,
"VE" = "Var_entropy" ,
"VM" = "Var_mutability" ,
"KL" = "Kullback-Leibler" ,
"TVD" = "Tot_var_dist" ,
"Supervised TVD" = "Supervised" ,
"Supervised TVD full" = "Supervised_full"
) |> as.character (),
# ordered_distances = reorder_within(distance_method,ARI,datasets,sep = ":")) |>
ordered_distances = reorder_within (distance_method,Q2_ARI,datasets,sep = ":" )) |>
rename (` distance measure ` = ` distance_method ` ) |>
# ggplot(aes(x = ARI, y = ordered_distances))+theme_minimal() +
ggplot (aes (x = Q2_ARI, y = ordered_distances))+ theme_minimal () +
geom_point (aes (colour= ` distance measure ` )) +
# geom_linerange(aes(xmin = ARI-sd_ARI,xmax = ARI+sd_ARI, y = ordered_distances),inherit.aes=FALSE)+
geom_linerange (aes (xmin = Q1_ARI,xmax = Q3_ARI, y = ordered_distances),inherit.aes= FALSE )+
theme (axis.text.y = element_text (size= 5 ),
axis.text.x = element_text (angle= 90 ,size= 6 ),
legend.position = "bottom" ,
strip.text.x.top = element_text (size= 8 )
) +
facet_wrap (~ datasets,scales = "free_y" ,nrow= 3 ,ncol= 3 ) +
scale_y_discrete (label= labelize)+
# labs(title="PAM clustering",subtitle = "k-medoids")+
xlab ("test ARI" )+ ylab ("" )+
scale_color_discrete (breaks= c ("SM" ,"Eskin" ,"Lin" ,"IOF" ,"OF" ,"Goodall 3" ,"Goodall 4" ,"VE" ,"VM" ,"TVD" ,"chi2" ,"KL" ,"Supervised TVD" ,"Supervised TVD full" ))
```{r, eval=TRUE,echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE}
pam_b = pam_results |>
mutate (distance_method = distance_method |> fct_recode ("SM" = "Matching" ,
"IOF" = "Iof" ,
"OF" = "Of" ,
"Goodall 3" = "Goodall_3" ,
"Goodall 4" = "Goodall_4" ,
"Chi2" = "Gifi_chi2" ,
"VE" = "Var_entropy" ,
"VM" = "Var_mutability" ,
"KL" = "Kullback-Leibler" ,
"TVD" = "Tot_var_dist" ,
"Supervised TVD" = "Supervised" ,
"Supervised TVD full" = "Supervised_full"
) |> as.character (),
# ordered_distances = reorder_within(distance_method,ARI,datasets,sep = ":")) |>
ordered_distances = reorder_within (distance_method,Q2_ARI,datasets,sep = ":" )) |>
rename (` distance measure ` = ` distance_method ` ) |>
# ggplot(aes(x = ARI, y = ordered_distances))+theme_minimal() +
ggplot (aes (x = Q2_ARI, y = ordered_distances))+ theme_minimal () +
geom_point (aes (colour= ` distance measure ` )) +
# geom_linerange(aes(xmin = ARI-sd_ARI,xmax = ARI+sd_ARI, y = ordered_distances),inherit.aes=FALSE)+
geom_linerange (aes (xmin = Q1_ARI,xmax = Q3_ARI, y = ordered_distances),inherit.aes= FALSE )+
theme (axis.text.y = element_text (size= 12 ),
axis.text.x = element_text (angle= 90 ,size= 6 ),
legend.position = "bottom" ,
strip.text.x.top = element_text (size= 8 )
) +
facet_wrap (~ datasets,scales = "free_y" ,nrow= 3 ,ncol= 3 ) +
scale_y_discrete (label= labelize)+
# labs(title="PAM clustering",subtitle = "k-medoids")+
xlab ("test ARI" )+ ylab ("" )+
scale_color_discrete (breaks= c ("SM" ,"Eskin" ,"Lin" ,"IOF" ,"OF" ,"Goodall 3" ,"Goodall 4" ,"VE" ,"VM" ,"TVD" ,"chi2" ,"KL" ,"Supervised TVD" ,"Supervised TVD full" ))
ggsave (file= "test_pam_experiment_fix_scale.pdf" ,pam_b,height= 10 ,width= 11 )