Statistical Learning
Improving models
sub-set selection: reduce the number of predictors to compress the model variance and improve interpretability.
shrinkage methods: the \(p\) predictors are kept in the model, the estimates of the coefficient are shrunken towards 0. This also compresses the variance.
dimension reduction: \(M\) syntheric predictors are defined that are linear combinations of the starting \(p\) variables (PCA anyone?), setting \(M<p\) the model complexity is reduced
best subset selection
This approach uses the complete search space of all the possible models one can obtain starting from \(p\) predictors ( \(2^{p}\) ).
For \(k=1,\ldots,p\)
fit \(p\choose k\) possible models on \(k\) predictors
find \(\mathcal{M}_{k}\) , the best model with \(k\) predictors: lowest RSS or largest \(R^{2}\).
From the sequence \(\mathcal{M}_{0},\mathcal{M}_{1},\ldots,\mathcal{M}_{p}\) of best models given the number of predictors the overall best is chosen
due to the different degrees of freedom, a test error estimate is required to make the choice.
or, one can use some training error measures adjusted for the model complexity. (Mallow \(C_{p}\), AIC, the BIC, the adjusted \(R^{2}\) ).
best subset selection
best sub-set selection: credit dataset
The response is balance, 11 predictors with two dummy for ethnicity.
Cons best subset selection
computational complexity: \(2^{p}\) models must be fitted, in the previous example 1024 models have been fitted. With 20 predictors, one needs to fit more than a million models (1048576)!
statistical problem: due to the high number of fitted models, it is likely that one model randomly fits well, or even overfit, the training set
forward stepwise selection
\(\mathcal{M}_{0}\) is the null model (intercept only)
For \(k=0,\ldots,p-1\)
- fit the \(p - k\) possible models that add a further predictor to the model \(\mathcal{M}_{k}\) ;
- find the best there is and define it \(\mathcal{M}_{k+1}\) .
From the sequence \(\mathcal{M}_{0},\mathcal{M}_{1},\ldots,\mathcal{M}_{p}\) of best models given the number of predictors, the overall best is chosen
backward stepwise selection
fit \(\mathcal{M}_{p}\), the full model.
For \(k=p, p-1,\ldots,1\)
- fit all the possible models that contain all the predictors in \(\mathcal{M}_{k}\) but one;
- find the best among the \(k\) models, that becomes \(\mathcal{M}_{k-1}\) .
From the sequence \(\mathcal{M}_{0},\mathcal{M}_{1},\ldots,\mathcal{M}_{p}\) of best models given the number of predictors, the overall best is chosen
the stepwise approach
the number of models to evaluate is \(1+p(p+1)/2\), smaller than \(2^{p}\)
the reduced search space does not guarantee to find the best possible model
the backward selection cannot be applied when \(p>n\)
selecting the best model irrespective the size
adjust the training error measure
add some price to pay for each extra-predictor in the model
use cross-validation to estimate the test error
estimate the performance of the model on the test set: e.g. via cross-validation
Adjusting the training error
Mallow \(C_{p} = \frac{1}{n} (RSS+2d\hat{\sigma}^{2})\)
AIC \(= -2\log(L) +2d\)
BIC \(= \frac{1}{n} (RSS+\log(n)d\hat{\sigma}^{2})\)
Adjusted \(R^{2}= 1-\frac{RSS/(n-d-1)}{TSS/(n-1)}\)
for linear models, under normal assumptions, \(L\) and \(RSS\) coincide, thus \(C_{p} = AIC\)
\(C_{p}\) and \(BIC\) differ in \(2\) being replaced by \(\log(n)\) in BIC: since, for \(n>7\), \(\log(n)>2\), the \(BIC\) tends to select a lower number of predictors;
the adjusted \(R^{2}\) penalizes \(RSS\) by \(n-d-1\), that increases with the number of parameters in the model.
Credit data example: adjusting the training error
Cross-validation selection
\(k\) -fold cross-validation can be used to estimate the test error and choose the best model;
an advantage is that \(\hat{\sigma}\) and \(d\) are not required (and they are sometimes not easy to identify);
this approach can be applied to any type of model
Credit data example: BIC vs validation approaches
Subset selection
note that \(\texttt{leaps::regsubsets}\) does not have a pre-defined \(\texttt{predict}\) function, nor has it \(\texttt{broom::augment}\).
selection is done via the provided corrected training error measures: \(C_{p}\) , \(AIC\) , \(BIC\) , \(Adjusted \ R^{2}\)
An ad-hoc procedure is needed for cross-validation based selection.
Subset selection example: hitters dataset
basic cleaning
Remove missings and clean the names
subset selection example: hitters dataset
data splitting
keep the test observations for evaluation, arrange the training observations in folds, for cross-validation
subset selection example: hitters dataset
To access the output of \(\texttt{regsubsets}\) one can use
the \(\texttt{summary}\) function
the available \(\texttt{broom::tidy}\) , that will be used here.
reg_sub_out = regsubsets(salary~.,data=hit_train,
nvmax = 19,method = "exhaustive")
reg_sub_out %>% tidy %>% kbl() %>% kable_styling(font_size = 10)
(Intercept) | at_bat | hits | hm_run | runs | rbi | walks | years | c_at_bat | c_hits | c_hm_run | c_runs | crbi | c_walks | leagueN | divisionW | put_outs | assists | errors | new_leagueN | r.squared | adj.r.squared | BIC | mallows_cp |
TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | 0.3945540 | 0.3916432 | -94.68167 | 82.632753 |
TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | 0.4793254 | 0.4742947 | -121.01098 | 44.219902 |
TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | 0.5147955 | 0.5077294 | -130.48038 | 29.310338 |
TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | 0.5417171 | 0.5327750 | -137.12086 | 18.476068 |
TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | 0.5600773 | 0.5492949 | -140.36017 | 11.723250 |
TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | 0.5669372 | 0.5541373 | -138.31349 | 10.452933 |
TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | 0.5722116 | 0.5573872 | -135.53972 | 9.938504 |
TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | 0.5777671 | 0.5609618 | -132.93765 | 9.290045 |
TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | 0.5819960 | 0.5631858 | -129.70443 | 9.274000 |
TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | 0.5875981 | 0.5668744 | -127.19075 | 8.603345 |
TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | 0.5928848 | 0.5702673 | -124.55313 | 8.083007 |
TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | 0.5967606 | 0.5721978 | -121.21484 | 8.235300 |
TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | 0.5986463 | 0.5720259 | -116.85207 | 9.336337 |
TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | 0.5998215 | 0.5710908 | -112.12077 | 10.776077 |
TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | 0.6005753 | 0.5696920 | -107.16960 | 12.416728 |
TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | 0.6009755 | 0.5678958 | -102.03301 | 14.225938 |
TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | 0.6012686 | 0.5659643 | -96.84021 | 16.086206 |
TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | 0.6014386 | 0.5638778 | -91.58262 | 18.005195 |
TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | 0.6014495 | 0.5615944 | -86.24126 | 20.000000 |
subset selection example: hitters dataset
It is handy to define a model-size variable: this is easily done by counting the boolean variables row-wise
r.squared | adj.r.squared | BIC | mallows_cp | n_predictors |
0.3945540 | 0.3916432 | -94.68167 | 82.632753 | 1 |
0.4793254 | 0.4742947 | -121.01098 | 44.219902 | 2 |
0.5147955 | 0.5077294 | -130.48038 | 29.310338 | 3 |
0.5417171 | 0.5327750 | -137.12086 | 18.476068 | 4 |
0.5600773 | 0.5492949 | -140.36017 | 11.723250 | 5 |
0.5669372 | 0.5541373 | -138.31349 | 10.452933 | 6 |
0.5722116 | 0.5573872 | -135.53972 | 9.938504 | 7 |
0.5777671 | 0.5609618 | -132.93765 | 9.290045 | 8 |
0.5819960 | 0.5631858 | -129.70443 | 9.274000 | 9 |
0.5875981 | 0.5668744 | -127.19075 | 8.603345 | 10 |
0.5928848 | 0.5702673 | -124.55313 | 8.083007 | 11 |
0.5967606 | 0.5721978 | -121.21484 | 8.235300 | 12 |
0.5986463 | 0.5720259 | -116.85207 | 9.336337 | 13 |
0.5998215 | 0.5710908 | -112.12077 | 10.776077 | 14 |
0.6005753 | 0.5696920 | -107.16960 | 12.416728 | 15 |
0.6009755 | 0.5678958 | -102.03301 | 14.225938 | 16 |
0.6012686 | 0.5659643 | -96.84021 | 16.086206 | 17 |
0.6014386 | 0.5638778 | -91.58262 | 18.005195 | 18 |
0.6014495 | 0.5615944 | -86.24126 | 20.000000 | 19 |
subset selection example: hitters dataset
For each index, create a boolean variable indicating the best value
model_size_vs_perf_w_best = model_size_vs_perf %>%
across(.cols=1:2, ~ .x==max(.x),.names="{.col}" ),
across(.cols=3:4, ~ .x==min(.x),.names="{.col}" )
) %>%
pivot_longer(names_to = "index", values_to = "best",cols="r.squared":"mallows_cp")
model_size_vs_perf = model_size_vs_perf %>%
pivot_longer(names_to = "index", values_to = "value",cols="r.squared":"mallows_cp") %>%
bind_cols(model_size_vs_perf_best %>% select(best))
n_predictors | r.squared | adj.r.squared | BIC | mallows_cp |
subset selection example: hitters dataset
convert the table in long format
model_size_vs_perf_w_best = model_size_vs_perf %>%
across(.cols=1:2, ~ .x==max(.x),.names="{.col}" ),
across(.cols=3:4, ~ .x==min(.x),.names="{.col}" )
) %>%
model_size_vs_perf_best = model_size_vs_perf_w_best|>
pivot_longer(names_to = "index", values_to = "best",cols="r.squared":"mallows_cp")
model_size_vs_perf = model_size_vs_perf %>%
pivot_longer(names_to = "index", values_to = "value",cols="r.squared":"mallows_cp") %>%
bind_cols(model_size_vs_perf_best %>% select(best))
n_predictors | index | best |
1 | r.squared | FALSE |
1 | adj.r.squared | FALSE |
1 | BIC | FALSE |
1 | mallows_cp | FALSE |
2 | r.squared | FALSE |
2 | adj.r.squared | FALSE |
2 | BIC | FALSE |
2 | mallows_cp | FALSE |
subset selection example: hitters dataset
create a further long table with all the values for different index and model-size
model_size_vs_perf_best = model_size_vs_perf %>%
across(.cols=1:2, ~ .x==max(.x),.names="{.col}" ),
across(.cols=3:4, ~ .x==min(.x),.names="{.col}" )
) %>%
pivot_longer(names_to = "index", values_to = "best",cols="r.squared":"mallows_cp")
model_size_vs_perf = model_size_vs_perf %>%
pivot_longer(names_to = "index", values_to = "value",cols="r.squared":"mallows_cp") %>%
bind_cols(model_size_vs_perf_best %>% select(best))
subset selection example: hitters dataset
Finally, create a plot to summarize the information at hand
subset selection example: hitters dataset
List-wise setup
Create a training and a validation set for each combination of folds
# 10-fold cross-validation
# A tibble: 10 × 4
splits id train validate
<list> <chr> <list> <list>
1 <split [189/21]> Fold01 <tibble [189 × 20]> <tibble [21 × 20]>
2 <split [189/21]> Fold02 <tibble [189 × 20]> <tibble [21 × 20]>
3 <split [189/21]> Fold03 <tibble [189 × 20]> <tibble [21 × 20]>
4 <split [189/21]> Fold04 <tibble [189 × 20]> <tibble [21 × 20]>
5 <split [189/21]> Fold05 <tibble [189 × 20]> <tibble [21 × 20]>
6 <split [189/21]> Fold06 <tibble [189 × 20]> <tibble [21 × 20]>
7 <split [189/21]> Fold07 <tibble [189 × 20]> <tibble [21 × 20]>
8 <split [189/21]> Fold08 <tibble [189 × 20]> <tibble [21 × 20]>
9 <split [189/21]> Fold09 <tibble [189 × 20]> <tibble [21 × 20]>
10 <split [189/21]> Fold10 <tibble [189 × 20]> <tibble [21 × 20]>
subset selection example: hitters dataset
best subsets on the different folds
Apply \(\text{regsubsets}\) to each of the training folds previously defined
Now the predictors have to be pulled out from the different sized models
subset selection example: hitters dataset
pull information from each model sequence
subset selection example: hitters dataset
obtain the predictions: \({\bf \hat{y}}_{test}={\bf X}_{test}{\bf \hat{\beta}}\) - compute the squared residuals
# A tibble: 3,990 × 5
id validate coefficients yhat[,1] squared_resids[,1]
<chr> <list> <list> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Fold01 <tibble [21 × 20]> <dbl [2]> 539. 83530.
2 Fold01 <tibble [21 × 20]> <dbl [2]> 377. 735.
3 Fold01 <tibble [21 × 20]> <dbl [2]> 441. 6107.
4 Fold01 <tibble [21 × 20]> <dbl [2]> 399. 123458.
5 Fold01 <tibble [21 × 20]> <dbl [2]> 265. 27365.
6 Fold01 <tibble [21 × 20]> <dbl [2]> 701. 112839.
7 Fold01 <tibble [21 × 20]> <dbl [2]> 619. 28541.
8 Fold01 <tibble [21 × 20]> <dbl [2]> 657. 3232.
9 Fold01 <tibble [21 × 20]> <dbl [2]> 1326. 301736.
10 Fold01 <tibble [21 × 20]> <dbl [2]> 260. 36215.
# ℹ 3,980 more rows
subset selection example: hitters dataset
compute the RMSE by fold, for each model - with the predictors, compute the squared residuals
model_size | cv_RMSE |
2 | 377.7384 |
3 | 350.9038 |
4 | 353.9554 |
5 | 337.6210 |
6 | 327.0380 |
7 | 335.2342 |
8 | 336.5313 |
9 | 337.8970 |
10 | 344.2199 |
11 | 346.6368 |
12 | 345.1199 |
13 | 337.5947 |
14 | 338.1094 |
15 | 335.1299 |
16 | 336.8434 |
17 | 336.5274 |
18 | 337.5436 |
19 | 336.8629 |
20 | 337.0753 |
subset selection example: hitters dataset
pick up the ‘best model’ according to cross-validation
model_size | cv_RMSE |
2 | 377.7384 |
3 | 350.9038 |
4 | 353.9554 |
5 | 337.6210 |
6 | 327.0380 |
7 | 335.2342 |
8 | 336.5313 |
9 | 337.8970 |
10 | 344.2199 |
11 | 346.6368 |
12 | 345.1199 |
13 | 337.5947 |
14 | 338.1094 |
15 | 335.1299 |
16 | 336.8434 |
17 | 336.5274 |
18 | 337.5436 |
19 | 336.8629 |
20 | 337.0753 |
the optimal model size is 6
subset selection example: hitters dataset
Finally, the coefficients of the optimal model are
(Intercept) walks c_at_bat c_hits c_hm_run divisionW
130.9726510 5.3668175 -0.5104821 2.0262373 1.6944526 -130.3609776
shrinkage methods
all the predictors stay in the model, but the coefficient estimates are constrained
the shrinkage determines a reduction of the estimates variability
eventually, some of the coefficients maybe constrained to zero, implicitly excluding the corresponding predictors from the model
the type of constraint defines the shrinkage method
L2 constraint: ridge regression
L1 constraint: lasso regression
ridge regression
A constraint is introduced on the optimization of the least squares function (RSS), in particular:
\[\underbrace{\sum_{i=1}^{n}{\left(y_{i}-\beta_{0}-\sum_{j=1}^{p}{\beta_{j}x_{ij}}\right)^{2}}}_{RSS} + \underbrace{\color{red}{\lambda\sum_{j=1}^{p}{\beta^{2}_{j}}}}_{constraint}\]
\(\lambda\) is the tuning parameter that determines the strength of the constraint on the estimates of \(\beta_{j}\) .
ridge regression
estimates for different values of \(\lambda\), in figure right the x axis shows the ratio between \(||\hat{\beta}^{R}_{\lambda}||_{2}\) and \(||\hat{\beta}||_{2}\)
the \(\mathcal{L}_2\) norm is the square root of the sum of squared coefficients \(||\hat{\beta}||_{2}=\sqrt{\sum_{j=1}^{p}{\hat{\beta}^{2}_{j}}}\)
ridge regression
Synthetic data with \(n=50\) and \(p=45\): all of the true \(\beta\)’s differ from 0.
The grid is on \(\lambda\) and \(||\beta^{R}||/||\beta^{R}||\), the \(\color{black}{\text{squared bias}}\), the \(\color{blue!20!green}{\text{variance}}\) and \(\color{violet}{\text{MSE test}}\)
the dotted line is the true MSE test
lasso regression
The lasso differs from ridge in the constraint
\[\underbrace{\sum_{i=1}^{n}{\left(y_{i}-\beta_{0}-\sum_{j=1}^{p}{\beta_{j}x_{ij}}\right)^{2}}}_{RSS} + \underbrace{\color{red}{\lambda\sum_{j=1}^{p}{|\beta_{j}|}}}_{constraint}\]
\(\lambda\) is the tuning parameter that determines the strength of the constraint on the estimates of \(\beta_{j}\).
lasso regression
variables selection and the lasso
The Lasso regression can be formalized as a constrained minimisation problem
\[\sum_{i=1}^{n}{\left(y_{i}-\beta_{0}-\sum_{j=1}^{p}{\beta_{j}x_{ij}}\right)^{2}} \ \ \ \text{subject to} \color{red}{\sum_{j=1}^{p}{|\beta_{j}|\leq s}}\]
The Ridge regression can be formalized as a constrained minimisation problem
\[\sum_{i=1}^{n}{\left(y_{i}-\beta_{0}-\sum_{j=1}^{p}{\beta_{j}x_{ij}}\right)^{2}} \ \ \ \text{subject to} \color{red}{\sum_{j=1}^{p}{\beta^{2}_{j}\leq s}}\]
variables selection and the lasso
ridge vs lasso: non null coefficients
ridge vs lasso: mostly null coefficients
tuning the parameter \(\lambda\): credit data
tuning the parameter \(\lambda\): synthetic data
shrinkage methods example: hitters pre-processing
Specify the recipe: when applying Ridge or Lasso regression, the numerical predictors have to be scaled, and categorical have to be trasformed in dummy, since \(\texttt{glmnet}\) only handles numeric predictors.
hit_recipe = recipe(salary~.,data=hit_train) %>%
step_scale(all_numeric_predictors()) %>%
step_zv(all_numeric(), -all_outcomes()) %>%
hit_recipe %>% prep() %>% juice() %>% slice(1:8) %>%
kable() %>% kable_styling(font_size=12)
at_bat | hits | hm_run | runs | rbi | walks | years | c_at_bat | c_hits | c_hm_run | c_runs | crbi | c_walks | put_outs | assists | errors | salary | league_N | division_W | new_league_N |
2.004225 | 1.7535884 | 0.8086277 | 1.3477453 | 1.4343912 | 0.6870214 | 0.8679981 | 0.7691974 | 0.6801938 | 0.2062682 | 0.6473941 | 0.3887487 | 0.4559646 | 0.7145051 | 0.0203855 | 0.4469852 | 240 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
1.363986 | 0.9921618 | 0.8086277 | 1.1495475 | 1.0467179 | 1.3740429 | 2.8209937 | 1.5117255 | 1.3753920 | 0.4641035 | 1.2293949 | 0.9394760 | 0.9603501 | 0.2815784 | 0.3057825 | 1.1919605 | 240 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1.503168 | 1.2921177 | 0.4620730 | 0.8720705 | 0.6978119 | 0.6870214 | 2.6039942 | 1.3081970 | 1.1086493 | 0.5543459 | 0.8697315 | 0.9848300 | 0.7989468 | 1.3762144 | 0.2989873 | 0.5959803 | 250 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1.050826 | 0.9460148 | 0.4620730 | 1.0306287 | 0.8141139 | 0.8702271 | 0.4339990 | 0.1347499 | 0.1133656 | 0.1160259 | 0.1471350 | 0.1263433 | 0.1412280 | 0.0985524 | 0.3805293 | 0.2979901 | 95 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
3.674412 | 2.8149708 | 0.1155182 | 2.6558510 | 1.7445299 | 2.3358728 | 0.8679981 | 0.8028848 | 0.6718581 | 0.1547012 | 0.6898998 | 0.4729776 | 0.6254381 | 0.7356235 | 2.5278020 | 2.5329161 | 350 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
1.482291 | 1.4074854 | 0.4620730 | 0.6738726 | 0.8528813 | 0.1374043 | 3.6889917 | 1.9000672 | 1.9088773 | 1.0700165 | 1.5955976 | 1.5906301 | 0.9845607 | 0.6265119 | 0.3057825 | 0.5959803 | 235 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
3.987572 | 3.3225885 | 1.0396642 | 3.3693632 | 2.3260398 | 3.5725114 | 1.7359961 | 1.4962854 | 1.4287405 | 1.2505012 | 1.5367436 | 1.3606205 | 1.3396481 | 4.6249250 | 0.8901668 | 1.7879408 | 960 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3.423884 | 3.1380002 | 0.5775912 | 3.0126071 | 1.9383665 | 4.3053343 | 2.6039942 | 2.5784955 | 2.5190512 | 0.5027788 | 2.9328915 | 1.4610472 | 3.5306991 | 1.1016754 | 2.5889585 | 2.9799013 | 875 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
shrinkage methods example: model specification
the model is still linear_reg, the engine to use is glmnet, that requires two parameters
penalty: this is the value of \(\lambda\)
mixture: indicates whether one wants to use ridge ( \(\texttt{mixture=0}\) ) or lasso ( \(\texttt{mixture=1}\) ).
Specify the grid for the hyperparameter
Fix the grid that has to be evaluted: otherwise glmnet will pick a grid internally
shrinkage methods example: model specification
As usual, put it all together in a workflow
shrinkage methods example: model fit
ridge_results = ridge_wflow %>%
control = control_grid(verbose = FALSE, save_pred = TRUE),
metrics = metric_set(rmse))
best_ridge = ridge_results %>% select_best(metric = "rmse")
lasso_results = lasso_wflow %>%
control = control_grid(verbose = FALSE, save_pred = TRUE),
metrics = metric_set(rmse))
best_lasso = lasso_results %>% select_best(metric = "rmse")
shrinkage methods example: finalization
final_ridge <- finalize_workflow(x = ridge_wflow, parameters = best_ridge) %>%
final_lasso <- finalize_workflow(x = lasso_wflow, parameters = best_lasso) %>%
ridge_rmse = final_ridge %>% collect_metrics()|> filter(.metric=="rmse")
lasso_rmse = final_lasso %>% collect_metrics()|> filter(.metric=="rmse")
reducing dimensionality
reduce model complexity by:
reducing the number of predictors (subset selection)
penalizing the model coefficients (shrinkage)
replacing the original predictors with a reduced set of linear combinations (dimension reduction)
principal components regression
One can regress \(y\) on \(D\) orthogonal \(pc\)’s (\(D<<p\))
by plugging the formula for \(pc_{id}\), the previous becomes
\[\hat{y}_{i}=\sum_{d=1}^{D}\theta_{d}\underbrace{\sum_{j=1}^{p}\phi_{jd}x_{ij}}_{pc_{id}}=\sum_{j=1}^{p}\sum_{d=1}^{D}\theta_{d}\phi_{jd}x_{ij} \]
set \({\hat\beta}_{j} = \sum_{d=1}^{D}\theta_{d}\phi_{jd}\), the previous goes back to \(\hat{y}_{i}=\sum_{j=1}^{p}{\hat\beta}_{j}x_{ij}\)
basic implementation
main_split=initial_split(my_hitters, prop=4/5)
pcr_fit = pcr(salary ~ ., data=my_hitters, scale=TRUE, validation="CV", subset=main_split$in_id)
pcr_pred = predict(pcr_fit,type = "response",newdata = my_hitters |> slice(-main_split$in_id), ncomp = 5)
pcr_results = tibble(estimate = pcr_pred,truth = my_hitters |> slice(-main_split$in_id) |> pull(salary))
rmse(pcr_results,truth = truth, estimate = estimate)|> kbl(align="l")
.metric | .estimator | .estimate |
rmse | standard | 355.538 |
tidymodels implementation
split the data up
define the recipe: standardize the predictors first, and then compute the principal components
model spec and workflow (nothing changes, the number of components is the hyperparameters)
tidymodels implementation
set the hyperparameter grid and fit the model
select the tuned pcr fit
partial least squares regression
the PC’s are linear combinations of \(X_{j}\)’s built to approximate the data correlation structure, irrespective to the response \(Y\)
in PLS regression, instead, linear combinations are defined in a supervised way (that is, taking into account \(Y\))
basic implementation
main_split=initial_split(my_hitters, prop=4/5)
plsr_fit = plsr(salary ~ ., data=my_hitters, scale=TRUE, validation="CV", subset=main_split$in_id)
plsr_pred = predict(plsr_fit,type = "response",newdata = my_hitters |> slice(-main_split$in_id), ncomp = 5)
plsr_results = tibble(estimate = plsr_pred,truth = my_hitters |> slice(-main_split$in_id) |> pull(salary))
.metric | .estimator | .estimate |
rmse | standard | 387.554 |
tidymodels implementation
split the data up
define the recipe: standardize the predictors first, and then compute the principal components
model spec and workflow (nothing changes, the number of components is the hyperparameters)
tidymodels implementation
set the hyperparameter grid and fit the model
select the tuned plsr fit