Generate synthetic data

The idea is to use synthetic data to investigate some aspects of model flexibility and how it impacts on bias and variance.


We generate a sample with a given \(\texttt{sample\_size}\), the true \(f(X)=2X - 6x^{2} +2 x^{3}\) and \(\epsilon\sim N(0,true\_sigma^{2})\)

true_f = function(x){return(2*x+6*x^2+2*x^3)}

sample_size = 200
synth_data = tibble(x = runif(sample_size,min=xmin,max=xmax),
                    fx= true_f(x),
                    noise=rnorm(sample_size,mean = 0,sd=true_sigma),

synth_plot = synth_data %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=x,y=y))+ theme_minimal() + geom_point(alpha=.1)


Even for a given data set, flexible methods may lead to different \(\hat{f}(X)\) due to the training/testing split.

n_samples = 99
train_prop = .25
synth_samples = tibble(data=rerun(.n = n_samples, synth_data  %>% slice_sample(prop = train_prop)),
                       sample_id = c(paste0("sample: 0",1:9),paste0("sample: ",10:n_samples)),

To visualize this, consider 99 random splits, with a small proportion of training observations.

sample_movie = synth_plot + 
geom_point(data=synth_samples %>% unnest(data),aes(x,y),colour="dodgerblue",alpha=.5) +
  labs(title = '{closest_state}')+
  transition_states(sample_id,state_length = 1)
anim_save(filename = "pop_sample_movie.gif",animation = sample_movie,path = "figures/",nframes = 200)


Fitting a linear regression, and a polynomial regression of degree 8 on a small training set will results in variable fitted curves. To visulize that…

linear_reg_movie = synth_plot + 
  geom_point(data=synth_samples %>% unnest(data),aes(x,y),colour="dodgerblue",alpha=.5) +
  stat_smooth(data=synth_samples %>% unnest(data), aes(x,y), method = "lm", se = FALSE, color="indianred", geom='line',size=2) +
  labs(title = 'linear reg. {closest_state}',subtitle = paste0("proportion of training obs: ", train_prop))+
  transition_states(sample_id, wrap = TRUE,state_length = 1) + 
  shadow_trail(alpha = 0.35, exclude_layer = 2,color="forestgreen",size=.5)

anim_save(filename = "linear_regression_movie.gif",animation = linear_reg_movie,path = "figures/",nframes = 200)
poly8_movie = synth_plot + 
  geom_point(data=synth_samples %>% unnest(data),aes(x,y),colour="dodgerblue",alpha=.5) +
  stat_smooth(data=synth_samples %>% unnest(data), aes(x,y), method="lm",formula = y~poly(x,8) , se = FALSE, color="indianred", geom='line',size=2) +
  labs(title = 'polynomial reg. degree 8 {closest_state}',subtitle = paste0("proportion of training obs: ", train_prop))+
  transition_states(sample_id, wrap = TRUE,state_length = 1) + 
  shadow_trail(alpha = 0.35, exclude_layer = 2,color="forestgreen",size=.5)

anim_save(filename = "poly8_movie.gif",animation = poly8_movie,path = "figures/",nframes = 200)

lin_reg poly10_reg

By increasing the training set size, the variability of the fitted curves will decrease.

lin_reg poly8_reg

The bias-variance trade-off

Generating data can be used to compute the point-wise decomposition of the expected test MSE in the bias and variance trade-off.

In particular, the expected test MSE at a specific test observation \(x_{0}\) is the sum of three components:

\[E \left[\left( y_{0} - \hat{f}(x_{0})\right)^{2}\right] = var(\hat{f}(x_{0}) + Bias\left[\left(\hat{f}(x_{0})\right)\right]^{2}+var(\epsilon)\]

Non-flexible methods have low variance, but they can have an high bias: increasing the flexibility will reduce the bias, at the cost of increased variance. Now, since \(X\) is non stochastic, fix its values \(X=\bf x\), and generate 1000 sample of size 100 from \(Y|X={\bf x}\): since \(f({\bf x})=2{\bf x}-6{\bf x}^{2}+2{\bf x}^{3}\) is known, to generate a new sample it just takes to add the Gaussian noise \(\epsilon\) to \(f({\bf x})\), where \(\epsilon\sim N(0,\sigma^{2}=true_\sigma^{2})\).

Set the size of the samples, and the number of generated samples, then create a nested tibble of samples


synth_ys = tibble(x = rep(runif(sample_size,min=0,max=2),n_samples)) %>%
  mutate(sample_id = rep(c(paste0("sample: 0",1:9),paste0("sample: ",10:n_samples)),each=sample_size),
         fx= true_f(x),
         noise=rnorm(n=n(),mean = 0,sd=true_sigma),
         y=fx+noise) %>% 
  dplyr::select(sample_id,everything()) %>%
  group_by(sample_id) %>% nest() %>% ungroup()

synth_ys %>% slice(1:4) 
## # A tibble: 4 × 2
##   sample_id  data              
##   <chr>      <list>            
## 1 sample: 01 <tibble [100 × 4]>
## 2 sample: 02 <tibble [100 × 4]>
## 3 sample: 03 <tibble [100 × 4]>
## 4 sample: 04 <tibble [100 × 4]>

To have a look at the nested tibbles, unnest \(\texttt{data}\), these are the training samples

synth_ys %>% slice(1) %>% unnest(data) %>%
  slice(1:6) %>% dplyr::select(-sample_id) %>% 
  kbl() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "hover",full_width = FALSE)
x fx noise y
0.5751550 3.5156564 1.2665926 4.782249
1.5766103 25.9053804 -0.1427338 25.762647
0.8179538 6.7447002 -0.2143523 6.530348
1.7660348 33.2614408 6.8430114 40.104452
1.8809346 38.2985309 -1.1288549 37.169676
0.0911130 0.2335482 7.5823530 7.815901

Generate now a small set of test observations \(x_{0}\). And then add random noise to generate \(y_{0}\)’s.

test_xs = runif(n_test,min = xmin, max = xmax)

test_obs =   tibble(sample_id = c(paste0("sample: 0",1:9),paste0("sample: ",10:n_samples))) %>% 
  mutate(test_data=rerun(.n = n_samples,tibble(x=test_xs) %>% 
                                  noise = rnorm(n=n_test,sd=true_sigma),
                                  y = noise+fx
  )  %>% unnest() %>% group_by(sample_id) %>%
  mutate(test_ob_id=1:n()) %>% nest() %>%

The next step is to merge the test observations in the training sample data structure.

synth_ys = synth_ys %>% inner_join(test_obs,by="sample_id")

Then a linear regression is fit on each training sample, and for each fitted function \(\hat{f}\), predictions are made for the test observations.

sample_results = synth_ys %>%  mutate(
  model = map(.x = data,.f=~lm(data=.x, formula = y~x)),
  model_preds= map2(.x = model,.y=test_data,.f=~augment(.x, newdata = .y))

It is now possible to compute all the quantities: bias, variance, the irreducible error and the expected test mse computed both as whole, and as the sum of the three quantities.

sample_selected_quantities = sample_results %>% unnest(cols = model_preds) %>%

test_elements = sample_selected_quantities %>% arrange(test_ob_id) %>%  group_by(test_ob_id) %>% 
  summarise(exp_test_mse = mean((.fitted-y)^2),
            E_f_hat = mean(.fitted),
            squared_bias = (E_f_hat-fx)^2,
            decomp_test_mse = squared_bias+var_f_hat+ var_eps,
            diff_mse=round(exp_test_mse - decomp_test_mse,digits=3)
            ) %>% dplyr::select(squared_bias,var_f_hat,var_eps, exp_test_mse, decomp_test_mse, diff_mse) 

Let’s now increase the model flexibility by fitting polynomial regression for an increasing degree

tune_synth_ys = synth_ys %>% mutate(degree=map(.x=sample_id,~1:10)) %>% unnest(cols = degree) 

tuned_results = tune_synth_ys %>%  mutate(
  model = map2(.x = data,.y=degree,.f=~lm(data=.x, formula = y~poly(x,.y))),
  model_preds= map2(.x = model,.y=test_data,.f=~augment(.x, newdata = .y))

test_mse_by_degree = tuned_results %>% unnest(cols = model_preds) %>% filter(test_ob_id==1)  %>%  
  group_by(degree)  %>% 
          E_f_hat = mean(.fitted),
          squared_bias = ((E_f_hat-fx)^2),
          exp_test_mse = (squared_bias+var_f_hat+true_sigma^2)
          ) %>% dplyr::select(degree,exp_test_mse,var_f_hat,squared_bias) %>% 
  rename(variance=var_f_hat,`test MSE`=exp_test_mse,`squared bias`=squared_bias)

test_mse_by_degree %>% 
  kbl() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "hover")
degree test MSE variance squared bias
1 29.22676 0.3931515 3.8336074
2 25.57643 0.4405779 0.1358484
3 25.79809 0.7970971 0.0009881
4 25.87612 0.8758269 0.0002892
5 26.01096 1.0109401 0.0000196
6 26.31530 1.3153046 0.0000003
7 26.34686 1.3468448 0.0000185
8 26.54657 1.5465444 0.0000279
9 26.93490 1.9346380 0.0002576
10 26.93110 1.9308807 0.0002162
test_mse_by_degree %>% mutate(variance=variance,
                              `test MSE`=`test MSE`,
                              `squared bias`=`squared bias`) %>% 
  pivot_longer(names_to="source",values_to="error", cols = 2:4) %>% 
  # geom_line()+
  geom_hline(yintercept=(true_sigma^2)) +
  labs(title="test MSE decomposition")